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[REDACTED] didn't really care to hang up, getting out of bed to go get ready for the day he had ahead of him. Taking a quick shower and getting in his average work attire. Then returning to his bed with his phone still there, on the call. But Finn had woken up.

"Hii" Finn said in a groggy, morning voice. [REDACTED] felt his cheeks heat up slightly as he took a deep breath and then staring at the screen. Finn was sitting up, trying to tame his tangles of hair with his fingers, looking as if he had just woken up. "Hi? Isn't it supposed to be like.. Good morning or something?" [REDACTED] said as he snickered slightly.

"Yeah yeah, fine whatever good morning." Finn said in a playful tone, laughing softly. "Mhm, well I have work, and I have to charge my phone, so bye, I'll text you and maybe call you later okay?" [REDACTED] said as he heard Finn mumble a soft "goodbye" as he hung up the face time call. [REDACTED] standing up with a sigh, plugging his phone in, just probably gonna leave it to charge all day.

Rowan was in the kitchen, heating up pop tarts in the toaster for breakfast when [REDACTED] walked out of his room and into the hallway. "You better not be missing work again." [REDACTED] grumbled as he grabbed his keys and Rowan laughed softly. "Nope, not today, my job just starts later." Rowan said, watching as the other boy shuffled his shoes on and left the apartment.


After work, [REDACTED] tiredly entered the apartment, it being quite quiet, Rowan probably still gone. He went into his bedroom and grabbed his phone off the charger, seeing the usual blowing up of likes and comments and things because Finn was following him or whatever. He saw a few new messages as well, but just set it down and went into the bathroom.

[REDACTED] had changed into comfortable clothing and then went back to his bed, sitting down as he got on his phone again, quickly replying to his friends messages. Then going on Instagram to text Finn, it was like his everyday routine. He had messaged Finn something just simple.

Finn Wolfhard (@finnwolfhardofficial) ✓: "hi :)"

[REDACTED] smiled softly, Finn had replied almost immediately, like he always did, it just made him feel good inside. His train of thoughts were stopped when Finn had messaged him once again.

Finn Wolfhard (@finnwolfhardofficial) ✓: "can we ft?"
[REDACTED] (@[USERNAME]): "why do u always wanna FaceTime?"
Finn Wolfhard (@finnwolfhardofficial) ✓: "because I like seeing your handsome face :)"

[REDACTED] felt his face heat up slightly, staring at his screen in disbelief. Did Finn mean that in a total platonic way? Or did it possibly mean something more..?

[REDACTED]'s train of thoughts were once again broken as he had gotten a FaceTime call from Finn, and he quickly accepted, making sure to position the camera so Finn could see his face. Staring intently at the screen as Finn went to go on a rant about something and tell him about his day in a detailed way.

The two stayed on call for hours, [REDACTED] setting up his phone in the kitchen as he made himself food, suddenly stopping when the front door opened and Rowan walked in. "Oh sorry Finn, gotta go my roommates here." [REDACTED] said reaching over his phone to hang up the call. "Okay bye, love-" Finn said before clicking the hangup button before he could.

Wait, what was he about to say?

586 words

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