☆ ~ Chapter 8

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[REDACTED] had woken up in Finn's bed, Finn was no longer with him as the rooms light was off and the door was shut. "He just let me sleep in his bed? That's kinda sweet." He mumbled to himself, yawning softly before sliding out the bed. He stood up as he shuffled his way to the door, opening it and walking out.

"Oh, you're awake." Finn said from the kitchen as he caught glimpse of the other boy. Finn was munching on some food when [REDACTED] had came over. "Yeah I am, first time hanging out and I'm already sleeping in your bed." He joked, making Finn snicker slightly. "I don't mind." Finn stated as he stared down at [REDACTED] with a loving stare. "Why do you stare at me like that?" [REDACTED] questioned as he felt his cheeks heat up slightly.

"Stare at you like what?" Finn said in a clueless tone and [REDACTED] laughed slightly. "Nothing nothing, don't worry about it." He said as he stared down at the food Finn was eating, feeling and hearing his stomach growl. "Are you hungry? I can make you something." Finn offered as he took another bite of food. "No no, it's okay I don't wanna be a bother or anything." [REDACTED] said as he gave a little awkward smile. "No, let me make something for you, seriously." Finn pushed on, making [REDACTED] sigh and just nod.

"Okay, what do you want?" Finn asked as he quickly ate the rest of his food to make [REDACTED] food. "Uhh, if you have ingredients for [FAVORITE FOOD] then yeah I want that please and thank you." [REDACTED] requested and Finn nodded quickly grabbing out stuff to make his food. [REDACTED] pulled out his phone (yes you just spawned it idk.) checking his messages, seeing that Rowan had messaged him.

ROWAN 💥: "hey r u coming home or staying the night? I wanna invite my gf over to the apartment"

[REDACTED] stared at the message for a moment before glancing at Finn. "Hey uh, what's a good time for me to leave? I don't wanna bother you all night." He asked, too scared to actually ask to stay the night. "You're gonna leave? I think it's getting too late. You can stay the night." Finn said, as if he just read [REDACTED]'s mind. "Are you sure?" [REDACTED] mumbled and Finn nodded. "I have enough room on my bed for you to fit." He stated, immediately suggesting them sharing the same bed.

YOU: "I'm staying the night"
READ 8:38 PM

[REDACTED] messaged back, turning his attention to Finn again, watching him make the food. "Finn, where's your bathroom?" [REDACTED] questioned, "two doors down from my bedroom door." Finn said and [REDACTED] nodded, going to the room that Finn told him it was.

After the food was finished, they ate on the couch and just chatted with each other for awhile, until they got sleepy. "Are you getting tired?" [REDACTED] asked as he noticed the sleepiness in Finn's voice and the way he kept yawning. "Yeah, I am, wanna just go to my bedroom now?" He said and the other boy nodded as they got up and went to Finn's room.

The two were laying in the same bed, and [REDACTED] felt his heart speed up 10x faster than normal as he laid next to Finn. He faced Finn on his side, as Finn was facing the other way. "I can feel you staring at me." Finn said, breaking the silence as he laughed softly, turning over to face [REDACTED] right back, staring down at him. "I know, but I just like staring at you." [REDACTED] teased, but really it was true. "Yeah I like staring at you too." Finn teased right back, laughing softly.

"Goodnight Finn." [REDACTED] murmured as he got slightly closer, and Finn just let him. "Yeah, goodnight [REDACTED]." Finn said softly, suddenly kissing [REDACTED]'s forehead casually, making him flush. No word was spoken after that, the two staying close to eachother until they both drifted off to sleep.

681 words
You two are getting gayer HELP

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