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[REDACTED] woke up before Finn, Finn's arms being around him and snuggled against him. He flushed slightly as he sat up and grabbed at his phone, it thankfully not being close to dead yet. He went to Instagram and took a photo on his story of Finn. Suddenly he felt an urge and ran his fingers through Finn's hair, making the boy shift slightly in his sleep.

"[REDACTED]...?" Finn mumbled in a groggy tone as he kept his eyes shut, nuzzling his head into [REDACTED]'s side softly. "Hii, good morning." [REDACTED] murmured softly as he played with Finn's hair. "Thanks for letting me stay the night by the way." He said as he laid back down next to Finn, who opened his eyes to stare at him. "It's no problem, I wanted you to stay anyways." Finn stated.

"I wish I could stay another night, but stupid work." [REDACTED] complained, and Finn snickered slightly as his hands went up and cupped [REDACTED]'s cheeks. "It's okay you can come over anytime, if you text me first though." Finn stated and [REDACTED]'s cheeks heated up as he smiled at Finn. "I can see your freckles better when I'm close." [REDACTED] pointed out and Finn seemed to get embarrassed.

"Why would you look away as soon as I said that? I like your freckles." [REDACTED] grumbled as he sat up again, and Finn yawned, sitting up as well. "I'm gonna take a shower, you can do whatever, I trust you." Finn said as he slid out the bed, grabbing clothes out his closet to change into as he left. "Awh man." [REDACTED] said in disappointment, but got out of bed and left the room as well, to go search Finn's kitchen for food.

He began to search, finding waffles in the freezer and just deciding on those. "Oh man, he only has on brand stuff, what the hell." He mumbled, eating while he waited for Finn to finish up in the shower (Omg just say ur bfs already). Finn came out the bathroom about 15 minutes later, attempting to dry his hair, [REDACTED] washing his plate in the sink to seem respectful. "When are you leaving? Because I wanna hangout with you longer." Finn asked as he went in the kitchen next to [REDACTED].

"Clingy much? But I'll go when it starts getting late don't worry." [REDACTED] snickered as he glanced at Finn who smiled at him in a loving way, making the boy flush slightly and look away. "You didn't have to wash your dish by the way, I would've done it for you." Finn stated. "I know, but I wanted to do it because I would feel bad if I didn't." [REDACTED] said and Finn chuckled slightly "don't feel bad, you're fine [REDACTED]." Finn said, [REDACTED]'s name rolling off his tongue in a perfect way. "Okay got it, Finn."

☆erm timeskip☆

The two basically just bonded and hung out the rest of the day until it started getting late. "I should probably leave now, it's getting kinda late." [REDACTED] pointed out and Finn nodded as they left his room and went to the front door. "Hey, it was nice having you over, visit me again." Finn said, suddenly hugging [REDACTED], who hugged back. "I will, I like being over here anyways." He stated and Finn smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"Hey wait, lemme grab you a jacket too, it's kinda cold." Finn said as he quickly went back into his room, returning with a jacket, giving it to [REDACTED]. "Are you sure?" He said as he took the jacket and slid it on, it being slightly baggy and a bit larger on him, it smelling like Finn and was warm. "Yeah I don't want you getting sick, and your roommate probably wouldn't either." Finn stated and [REDACTED] nodded.

"Okay I'll probably text you later, yeah?" [REDACTED] said, and Finn nodded, watching as the other boy left the apartment.

665 words
The chemistry goes insane

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