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Updating this for my awesome friend who reads this 😔😔 (Robin im looking at u)

Finn Wolfhard (@finnwolfhardofficial) √: "yeah I did :))"
Sent 5 mins ago
Finn Wolfhard (@finnwolfhardofficial) √: "hiii"
Sent 2 mins ago
Finn Wolfhard (@finnwolfhardofficial) √: "hey"
[REDACTED] (@[USERNAME]): "hi sorry I was totally talking to my friend"

[REDACTED] stared at his phone screen, waiting for a message back. His eyes focused on the screen, Rowan waving a hand infront of his face. "Heyy buddy, you haven't said a word in like, 5 minutes, that's not normal for you." Rowan said, [REDACTED] turning his head towards him.

"Right sorry, I'm just messaging the most amazing celebrity in the world." [REDACTED] said with a small laugh, and Rowan huffed in slight amusement. "Yeah, one you just started talking to." Rowan retorted. "Well I've known his presence for like.. [INSERT TIME]." And Rowan just shrugged, not really knowing what to say in reply.

Suddenly [REDACTED]'s phone went off with an Instagram message and he quickly turned it back on to check.

Finn Wolfhard (@finnwolfhardofficial) √: "right right cool"
Finn Wolfhard (@finnwolfhardofficial) √: "I wanna talk about something but don't know what."

[REDACTED] (@[USERNAME]): "Ok wait, I'll tell u about myself because that's awkward that u basically know nothing about me"
[REDACTED] (@[USERNAME]): "soo uh I'm [REDACTED] and I like [insert fav animal] I'm also epic, andddd [insert age 18-21 bc ion feel like choosing one for you]"
[REDACTED] (@[USERNAME]): "I also have a cat that's not really my cat named French Fry."
❤️ By @finnwolfhardofficial!

Finn Wolfhard (@finnwolfhardofficial) √: "woah that's cool I love cats"
❤️ By @[USERNAME]!

"Oh my god- he loves cats I think he's the love of my life." [REDACTED] spoke out loud, making Rowan snicker a little bit. "I thought you said you basically knew everything about him like, a week ago?" Rowan said as he glanced from his phone to the other boy next to him, who looked offended for a moment. "Hey! I said basically so I don't know every little thing." [REDACTED] corrected.

"Wait, where's French Fry? I need to take a photo of him." [REDACTED] asked, getting off the couch to start searching for his roommates cat. "I don't know? He's probably sleeping in your's or my room somewhere." Rowan said as he shrugged, staring down at his phone again, as [REDACTED] went to go search for the cat in the separate bedrooms. Eventually finding him sleeping on [REDACTED]'s blanket on his bed.

[REDACTED] (@[USERNAME]): "wait I found French Fry let me show you a photo of him"

[REDACTED] (@[USERNAME]): "wait I found French Fry let me show you a photo of him"

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❤️ By @finnwolfhardofficial!

(Also that's not my photo I found it on Pinterest 😣😣)

Finn Wolfhard (@finnwolfhardofficial) √: "wait I can show you Poppy :))"

Finn Wolfhard (@finnwolfhardofficial) √: "wait I can show you Poppy :))"

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❤️ By @[USERNAME]!

"You guys are bonding over, cats?" Rowan asked suddenly from behind, making [REDACTED] jump in shock. "Well yes, bonding over cats is the best way of bonding." [REDACTED] stated as he turned around to face Rowan. "French Fry isn't even your cat though?" Rowan said, being logical. "Well I love him like he's my son, he just happens to be your son." [REDACTED] stated.

Okok actual romance in the next chapter this is basically like a filler one to build ur guys bond and not immediate romance, and I'm preparing u guys to be cat dads.

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