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   [REDACTED] had woken up like it was an automatic thing at the time he normally got up for work. But it was the weekend, so he didn't need to bother getting up. Looking at his phone screen where Finn was still sleeping on FaceTime. Snoring softly as his hair was a bit of a mess.

   [REDACTED] couldn't help but snicker slightly and take a screenshot on his phone, forever gonna cherish that image. Deciding not to wake the other man up, he got up and headed to the bathroom connected to his room. By the time he returned, Finn was already awake and rubbing his eyes out of tiredness.

   "Hii, good morning." [REDACTED] greeted, and Finn immediately smiled, turning his attention to the call. "Oh hi, I assumed you hung up on me." Finn said as he stretched his arms, and [REDACTED] shook his head. "No, I wouldn't do that too you." He stated as he propped up his phone.

   "Hey, can I ask you like, a weird, personal question?" Finn asked, and [REDACTED] immediately seemed somewhat suspicious but gave a slight nod. "Uhm, sure, I trust you." [REDACTED] mumbled as he looked at the screen curiously. "Okay wait, I'm trying not to make this seem bad. Uh, okay, so like, where do you live?" Finn asked and [REDACTED] snickered. "Wow, I'm not giving you my address because that's weird, but I live in Atlanta, Georgia, why?" He admitted.

   "Y'know, that's kinda funny, I actually am there currently too... Haha." Finn said, clearly hinting at something. [REDACTED] stayed quiet for a few moments, and Finn did the same, the call going quiet. "We should like, meet up some time." [REDACTED] suggested, just asking the question that Finn was too scared to ask. "Yeah! We totally should, that'd be fun, to hangout, just us." Finn said with an awkward laugh, and the other man nodded.

   "Okay wait, I'm hungry, we can plan something out while I get food." [REDACTED] said as he unplugged his phone and stood up, carrying the phone out his room. Rowan was in the living room, playing something on his phone, turning his attention to his roommate when he walked in. "On call with your boyfriend?" Rowan said.

   "Rowan, shut up, we're not dating." [REDACTED] said, his face feeling hot as he went into the kitchen and set up his phone. "Rowan? Who's that?" Finn asked as he looked curious, not bothered by the comment at all. "He's my roommate, and best friend, I guess." [REDACTED] grumbled as he scavenged the the cabinets. "We're out of bread, we need to go to the store later." Rowan said as he looked back down at his phone.

   "Okay then." [REDACTED] mumbled as he looked at his phone. "Sooo... The thing we were talking about." Finn said, clearly trying to get back on topic of meeting up. "Right, about that, where do you wanna do it? Since you're like, famous and all." [REDACTED] asked as he looked in the fridge for something. Jeez they really did need to go grocery shopping. "Here, I trust you enough with my address, just give me your number." Finn said, and [REDACTED] looked kinda shocked, but just went along with it.

   "Address? Phone number? What are you doing this time [REDACTED]?" Rowan said, clearly eavesdropping on the two talking. "Don't worry about it dude." [REDACTED] said as he went to his and Finn's chats, and texted his number to him "Why do you need my number for this?" He asked. "Well y'know... Privacy and stuff I guess? And I just wanted your number." Finn admitted and [REDACTED] laughed slightly "yeah okay." He said, when he got a message from an unknown number.

(XXX) XXX - XXXX: "hiiii it's Finn :)"
YOU: "oh wow hello"

  Added (XXX) XXX - XXXX to contacts!
Changed XXX) XXX - XXXX's name to "Finn 💞"

   "What time do you want me to come over? I need to go to the store beforehand." [REDACTED] asked as he stared back at his screen, where Finn was now in his bathroom, finishing up brushing his teeth. "Uhh, 1 or 2 pm maybe? I'm free then." Finn suggested, and [REDACTED] nodded. "Okay, Rowan, I'm going to the grocery store at like, 11." He called out to his roommate, who nodded.

   "Okay, wait I got to go, I'm gonna take a shower." Finn said, and [REDACTED] nodded. "Okay bye, I'll text you later." He said as he clicked the hang-up button, and Rowan was staring at him with a suspicious look. "What?"

   "Are you sure you guys aren't like, a thing?" Rowan asked as he stared at [REDACTED] curiously, who blushed. "What? Yes I'm sure! We're just friends, plus I think he's straight, I don't know." [REDACTED] said and Rowan just shrugged in response, turning towards the TV. "Alright... Whatever you say."

807 words
Woah meet up in the next chapter u guys 😋😋

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