☆ ~ CHAPTER 10

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When [REDACTED] returned home, he walked through the apartment door, Rowan laying down on the couch on his phone. "Oh, welcome back, did you have a good time, 'hanging out'?" Rowan asked with air quotes, and [REDACTED] shot him a glare. "What are you suggesting?" He asked as he flushed slightly.

"Nothing nothing... Hey that's not your jacket?" Rowan said, taking notice of the jacket [REDACTED] was wearing. "Oh yeah, no it's not mine, it's Finn's." He stated as he shut the door behind him. "And you're sure you guys aren't dating?" Rowan suggested "yes Rowan." [REDACTED] said as he quickly went to his room to plug his phone in and text Finn.

YOU: "hiiii"
FINN 💞: "HII <3"
YOU: "HI I'm home now"
FINN 💞: "can we FT thennn?"
YOU: "maybe later, I'm gonna take a shower"
FINN 💞: "okayy"

[REDACTED] smiled to himself slightly as he kept his phone plugged in, sliding back out of bed, going to his bathroom to take a shower quickly. Coming out and putting on Finn's jacket again, sitting in his bed to FaceTime Finn, who immediately accepted it.

"Hiii! I missed you." Finn said as soon as he accepted the call. "I left your house like a hour ago, you're fine." [REDACTED] said with a soft snicker. "No, not really." Finn stated as he huffed softly, but smiled anyways. "We can hangout again when I have free days off of work, which isn't often other than the weekends." [REDACTED] stated.

[REDACTED] and Finn did their usual things throughout the week, calling late at night and end up hanging up in the morning due to [REDACTED] working. When he fell ill, and took a sick day off of work (on like Wednesday or Thursday idk). And had woken up with a bunch of texts from Finn.

FINN 💞: "hey you okay you didn't call last night?"
YOU: "sorry I didn't feel good and I feel even worse today."
FINN 💞: "it's okay, are you okay tho??"
YOU: "ehhh... Kinda?"
FINN 💞: "you should come over I wanna take care of you."

[REDACTED] felt his face flush slightly, but he really couldn't, he was in too much pain to even get out of bed.

YOU: "I can't, I'm in too much pain I literally can't even get out of bed."
FINN 💞: "what's your address?"
YOU: "what???"
FINN 💞: "I'm coming over what's your address?"
YOU: "okay it's XXX on XXXX road."
Seen at 10:27 AM

[REDACTED] turned away from his phone, groaning in pain as he turned over. Coughing and just wanting Finn to be here already. Feeling too warm under his blankets, probably having a fever. Shutting his eyes and attempting to fall asleep again.

About 20 minutes later, he was woken up by a knock and a text from Finn. Looking at his phone to see and reply to the text.

FINN 💞: "heyyyy I'm here."
YOU: "a key is under the doormat and my room is the one with the non-opened door."
FINN 💞: "Okay, be there in a minute."

The front door was heard opening and closing a few moments later, and then a familiar face walked into the room. "Hii, I brought you medicine." Finn said as he set medicine on the bedstand. "You really didn't have too." [REDACTED] mumbled in a sick tone as Finn at on the bed next to him. "Yes I did, I don't want you being in pain and all lonely all." Finn stated as he ran a hand through [REDACTED]'s hair instinctually.

"You should totally replace Rowan, he'd never do this for me, he'd just get me medicine and then leave me alone." [REDACTED] grumbled as he yawned and stared up at Finn. "Haha, yeah I wish, it'd be nice to live with you." Finn said as he opened the medicine. "Take this hon- [REDACTED]." Finn said quickly correcting himself as he held out the medicine. [REDACTED] lifting himself slightly and taking the medicine with a yawn.

"Are you tired?" Finn asked as he let [REDACTED] lay on him. "Yeah, I've been trying to sleep the pain and sickness away." [REDACTED] said as he coughed softly. "You can take a nap on me, I don't really care, I don't plan to leave." Finn stated as he stroked a lock of hair behind [REDACTED]'s ear with his thumb softly, staring down at him intently. "Are you sure?" [REDACTED] mumbled and Finn nodded.

He shifted in a laying down position, turning over and holding [REDACTED] in his arms and against his chest. "I'm happy I met you." Finn said softly. "Me too. You were my favorite actor, and now one of my best friends." [REDACTED] said with a tired snicker, making him cough harder. "Glad to know that, [REDACTED]." Finn said as he watched the boy starting to fall asleep in his arms.

826 words
Oh em gee

Celebrity Crush - F.WOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora