☆ ~ Chapter 7

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[REDACTED] had went shopping at the time he said he he would, quickly returning to the apartment to get ready for going to Finn's house. "Rowan, what would you wear if you were going to another person's house for the first time?" [REDACTED] asked as he went into his bedroom.

"Wear something casual, I don't know, you guys are just 'friends' right?" Rowan replied as he glanced into [REDACTED]'s bedroom. Seeing the boy rummaging through his closet. "And make sure to like, use cologne and stuff, to make a good impression I guess?" He added, and [REDACTED] nodded. "Thanks dude." He said as he shut the door in Rowan's face.

[REDACTED] had quickly gotten himself dressed in something casual and went into his bathroom to put on cologne, when he had gotten a text from Finn, looking down at his phone.

Finn 💞: "hey the address is XXX on XXXX Rd.
YOU: "alright! I'm getting ready now, I'll see you soon then?"
Finn 💞: "yeah see you soon I'm excited to finally meet you :)"

[REDACTED] couldn't help the smile that showed up on his face. Finn was excited to see him, and he was excited to see him right back. He quickly left the bathroom after getting ready and left his bedroom. "Byee! Have a good time with your so called 'friend'!" Rowan called out from the couch as he watched [REDACTED] leave.

When [REDACTED] got to the address, he admired how nice the apartment building looked, going to the number Finn gave him and knocked on the door. Finn opening it and stared down at the other boy.

"Hi." Finn said when suddenly hugging [REDACTED] who immediately hugged back. "Hi!" [REDACTED] greeted as he flushed slightly. Finn pulling away from the hug shortly after. "Come inside and make yourself comfortable." Finn said as he allowed [REDACTED] inside.

"Sorry, it might be a little messy, I tried cleaning it up a little bit." Finn said as he shut the door behind [REDACTED]. "No no, it's fine, you should see my room." [REDACTED] said with a little laugh as he stared at Finn with a smile, swearing he could see Finn's cheeks heat up slightly. "So uhh, what do you wanna do? I'm open to anything." Finn asked as he smiled back at [REDACTED].

"Hmmm... Uh, we could like, watch a movie and just talk for awhile, I feel like we know so much but so little about eachother." [REDACTED] suggested and Finn nodded. "Yeah, that's fine with me, and I agree, even though I remember basically everything you tell me." Finn said with a little laugh.

"Here come into my bedroom, it's more comfortable in there than in the living room." Finn said as he pointed at an open door that led to a nice, but slightly messy bedroom, and [REDACTED] nervously walked in, followed after by Finn. "Do you want me to like, get you anything, since you're a guest of course." Finn said with an awkward little smile, it was cute.

"No, I'm fine, thank you for the suggestion though." [REDACTED] said with a little smile himself, watching as Finn sat on the bed, following after and sliding next to Finn. "Here, I have a good movie I think you'll like, just by your personality." Finn said as he grabbed at the remote and clicking around until he clicked on [FAVORITE MOVIE] (if it's one that he plays in then do your second fav). "Woah! You're totally spot on, I love this movie." [REDACTED] said and Finn laughed softly.

"I'm just that good, y'know?" He said in a fake cocky tone, [REDACTED] snickering slightly. "Yeah yeah, you're just the best ever." He said sarcastically as the movie began to play and his eyes focused on the screen.

Silence fell between the two of them almost immediately, and went on for a little while as they just enjoyed each other's presence and the movie. The silence was broken when [REDACTED] leaned his head on Finn's shoulder, the other just accepting it. "Sometimes I feel like I've known you for years and not the amount of time we've known each other, I'm comfortable with you." He admitted in a soft tone, his cheeks flushing.

Finn's cheeks flushed a soft red as he stared down at the other boy. "Same, I like your presence, it's nice." He mumbled as he leaned his head on top of the other boys, getting slightly closer to him. The room fell silent again, other than the movie playing, it was a nice silence though, just like on the calls they had, it was comforting.

Until... [REDACTED] fell asleep on Finn's shoulder.

779 words
I'm making you guys as eepy as I am bc I said so 😼😼

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