☆ ~ CHAPTER 11

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[REDACTED] woke up a few hours later, opening his eyes to see Finn cuddled up around him and sleeping. He felt somewhat better, but then he couldn't help but start coughing and groaned in annoyance. "Finnnn, wake up I need cough medicine." he requested as he stroked a lock of Finn's ear behind his ear with his thumb softly.

"Mmfhh.. okay one minute." Finn said in an incredibly sleepy tone as he yawned and shifted slightly, [REDACTED] having woken him up. Finn's head rested on his shoulder, and he could see all his facial features better, and Finn opened his eyes a few moments later. [REDACTED]'s [EYE COLOR] eyes stared into Finn's eyes for a moment before Finn sat up. "Cough medicine?" Finn said with a yawn as he stretched his arms, he had taken off his hoodie and was wearing a band t-shirt now.

"Uh huh." [REDACTED] nodded as he yawned as well, staring at up at Finn. "Can you sit up okay? Or does your body still hurt?" Finn asked as he got the medicine ready. "It's not as bad as before, it's fine." [REDACTED] said as he sat up slightly, leaning his head on Finn's shoulder, who just accepted it. He looked down at [REDACTED] and helped him take the medicine. "There, if you feel any worse just tell me okay?" Finn said in a soft, comforting tone.

"Mhm, you're the only one who'll take care of me anyways." [REDACTED] said groggily as he rubbed his eyes tiredly, looking at his alarm clock. "Rowan gets back in like, 10 minutes." He mumbled as he felt Finn's arms go around him again. "I don't think I've ever actually met that guy, I've heard his voice on call before and you've talked about him but that's really it." Finn pointed out with a little laugh. "Yeah, Rowan's kinda his own guy, but I've known him forever." [REDACTED] mumbled with a little cough as Finn helped him lay down again, and Finn laid next to him.

The two of them were on their sides, facing eachother as Finn's hand went up to cup [REDACTED]'s cheek. His thumb stroked against his cheek softly. "I love you." Finn mumbled quietly, and [REDACTED] looked confused for a moment, thinking he heard it wrong. "What?" He said as he stared into Finn's eyes. "I- nevermind." Finn said, deciding not to repeat himself as his cheeks flushed a bit of red. "No repeat what you said, I wanna hear." [REDACTED] said as he looked curious.

"It's not important [REDACTED], seriously." Finn said as he attempted to brush over the topic. "Finn, you can tell me anything. You know that." [REDACTED] said in that same caring, comforting tone Finn always gave him. "I know- it's just, not important okay?" Finn said, still looking flustered though, clearly thinking about what he had just said. "Okay then." [REDACTED] mumbled as he leaned back in the bed, his stomach growling slightly out of hunger.

"Are you hungry?" Finn asked as he looked down at the other boy. "Yeah, but it's fine." [REDACTED] muttered as he glanced away from Finn. "No, it's not fine, I'm gonna go make something for you." Finn stated, making [REDACTED] smile slightly. "Okay then, but Rowan might get here when you're still making food." [REDACTED] said, watching as Finn got off the bed. "It's fine, I wanna meet your roommate anyways." Finn said as he opened the bedroom door, walking out, but keeping the door open just incase.

588 words
My tummy hruts

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