☆ ~ CHAPTER 12

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ok guys last chapter cus I wanna write another fic of Finn Wolfhard cus I thought of a new idea 😼😼

Finn came back after making [FAV FOOD] for [REDACTED] and the boy stared at him as he gave him the food. "Rowan's nice, he just asked if we were dating like... 5 times." Finn said as he got in bed next to [REDACTED] again. "I'm surprised he didn't question why a celebrity is in our apartment." [REDACTED] said in a sarcastic tone as he laughed softly, then coughing.

"Shhh, we don't talk about that. And eat." Finn said with a little laugh as well as he stared down at [REDACTED] as he ate. "Stop staring." He said as he turned his head. "No, you look handsome no matter what." Finn complimented, and [REDACTED] flushed a little bit. "Well, thank you, you're handsome too." [REDACTED] complimented back and Finn smiled at him. "But you're more handsome actually." Finn stated.

"But I'm not the actor here." [REDACTED] retorted and Finn huffed softly. "I already told you to shush about that!" Finn said with a little laugh, elbowing [REDACTED]'s side. "Finn stop! You're gonna make me laugh and it's gonna hurt my throat more!" [REDACTED] said as he continued to eat the food. "Give your dirty dish once your done." Finn said as [REDACTED] finished. "No- stop Finn, stop taking so much care of me." [REDACTED] said as he attempted to stop Finn.

"Nope, don't even fight me about this." Finn said as he grabbed the dirty plate/bowl/etc when [REDACTED] finished, and he stood up. He quickly went out the door of the bedroom and returned a few moments later. "I'm still so tired." [REDACTED] mumbled when Finn returned and laid in bed with him again.

"Then sleep, I'm here to protect you, and to take care of you, okay?" Finn said and [REDACTED] smiled a bit at him, leaning against his chest again. "I'm waiting for your sweet talk by the way." [REDACTED] stated with a little sneeze. "I was going to but then you sneezed on me!" Finn said with a little snicker, pushing [REDACTED] away slightly. Making the boy grumble slightly. "I can't help it." He stated as he yawned softly and Finn seemed to soften up.

"It's okay, you're cute at least." Finn complimented suddenly as he smiled a bit, his arms wrapping around [REDACTED]'s waist and pulling him close again. "Finn- shush!" [REDACTED] said as he coughed and sputtered. Soon silence filled the room and Finn seemed to wanting to say something.

"Hey so, this may be a really bad time but like.." Finn started, as he cleared his throat slightly. "I need to tell you something, something like really really important." He continued as he avoided [REDACTED]'s gaze, his eyes glancing around the room.

"Oh, that's kinda funny, I have something I've held back for a long while too that's like, really really important." [REDACTED] said in agreement with a little nod. "Okay well, the thing is kind of about you so y'know.." Finn said, and [REDACTED] seemed to get a little anxious at that. "Well mines about you too.." he said with a little awkward smile.

"Okay, how about we say it at the same time then? So it's not as like, awkward." Finn suggested, and the other man nodded. "Okay yeah, let's go in 3...2...1."

"I like you-"
"I like you."

"What?" Finn said confused. "I said I liked you... In like, not a friend way." [REDACTED] stated as he blushed slightly. "Well me too." Finn said bluntly as he stared down into [REDACTED]'s [EYE COLOR] eyes. "Well, okay, does that mean we should like, try being boyfriends?" [REDACTED] suggested, the two sounding more like lovestruck teenagers than adults. "Okay, yeah." Finn agreed with a little laugh as he leaned closer to [REDACTED] slightly.

Finn's breath was felt on [REDACTED]'s face and he leaned closer to him as well. The two leaning close enough until Finn initiated a kiss, holding [REDACTED] close until the two pulled apart for breath.

Then ur loved by all his fans and u become famous or whatever the end
702 words

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