5.- The Meeting in the Rain

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3 got up, looked at the calendar and realized it was December 15, so after he saw it he closed the store and went to the Internet Graveyard. He had promised the Knuckles that he would come visit them. The sky was a little cloudy when he came out, but he didn't mind that.

It had been a few months since SMG3 started living in SMG4's Castle and had opened his cafeteria, so he hadn't seen the Dead Memes in a while, but he had promised them that 10 days before Christmas he would go to see them again.

Together with Eggdog they traveled a long way, until they arrived. At first he met several Knuckles, who welcomed him very happily, then he arrived at the Starbucks where he previously lived, where he met other Memes. He then began to hand out various gifts he had brought to all the Dead Memes.

SMG3 loved the Internet Graveyard, not only because he was the King of this place, but also because the Dead Memes had treated him well since the day he arrived and even some of them (Especially the Knuckles and the Eggdogs) had adopted as a father figure, the latter was what the red-eyed boy liked the most. That's why sometimes I spoiled them a lot.

Just after he had finished handing out all the gifts to the Memes, he heard a very loud clap of thunder. And when he looked out he realized that it had already started to rain, it wasn't a very heavy rain, but he didn't want to take any risks, so he decided that he was going to stay that night at Starbucks.

He took one of his old pajamas and began to prepare something to eat for himself, Eggdogs, and Knuckles. Thank goodness there was still food from the last time I had gone to visit that place.

He quickly started cooking, until he heard someone knocking on the door. He turned off the stove so he could go check it out without any of the Knuckles or Eggdogs getting hurt, he walked to the door and when he opened the door he couldn't believe what he saw.

- *Cough* Ho-Hello SMG3 -.

- SMG4!? - said 3 - What the hell are you doing, the rain came down!? -.

- It's a long story *Coughs* - he said before sneezing - I went to the mall to help SMG2 with something and after *Sneezes* we left he went home and when he was on his way to the castle he started * Cough* rain -.

Before 4 could react, the red-eyed man had already pulled him into the Starbucks.

- You're an idiot, only you would think of going out to a place so far away without an umbrella on such a cloudy day -.

- It *Coughs* is... -.

The blue-eyed man's clothes were completely soaked and he could tell that he was shaking, he also sneezed and coughed very frequently, he put his hand on his forehead and even with the glove on he felt very hot, so there was no doubt, he already knew. had caught a cold

- Wait here, I'll be back now -.

- Ok *Sneezes* -.

SMG3 went back to look for some extra pajamas in his old room, 3 was taller than SMG4 by a few centimeters, so it would be kind of difficult to find something that would fit 4. He was searching for a long time, but he couldn't find anything, so he He decided to give her a light purple shirt and dark purple pants.

When he returned to where the blue-eyed boy was, he realized that Eggdog was with him.

"Here, I don't have anything in your size, so you'll have to use this one," he said, handing her the pajamas. "You can change in the bathroom."

- *Cough* Thanks 3 -.

SMG4 went to change and the red-eye continued making the food. 2 minutes later 4 had already left the bathroom and SMG3 had told him to sit on the couch, while he finished the meal.

(Eng) The Secret Santa - ✧A SMG4 Fanfic✧ _ ♡SMG34♡Where stories live. Discover now