13.- Living in the Snow

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In the morning, SMG3 woke up much less tired, something obvious after having slept all day last. He rubbed his face with his hands when he noticed the bracelet.that 4 had given. He smiled excitedly, then looked on his phone to see what day it was, he realized that Christmas Eve was Saturday and Christmas was Sunday.

He began to remember everything he had experienced for two weeks, just to get something from the blue-eyed boy, he remembered how he went with Mario to the bookstore, how he had gotten sick and had taken care of him, how they met at the Internet Graveyard and this time He had had to take care of him with blue eyes, how they made the perfect plan to recover the gift that SMG4 had in his room, he also remembered the City of Lights, he simply only remembered beautiful things that had happened, like the labyrinth, the show from the Nutcracker and try to teach 4 to ice skate. All of that had happened in less than a month, however he had loved having all those adventures.

He got up, got dressed and went to have breakfast with Eggdog, it was snowing outside, so it was most likely going to be mostly frozen the next day. Suddenly an idea came to his mind, he grabbed his coat and said to Eggdog.

- I'm going out quickly, behave well and don't go out, because if it's snowing you can get lost and/or get sick -.

He responded with an affirmative bark, so 3 gave him a hug and a kiss before leaving.

However, as soon as the little boy saw his father walking away, he jumped to the window. He had always wanted to go out and play in the snow, but his father told him that it was dangerous if you were not well prepared. But still he didn't give it any importance and went outside. The beginning was very fun, but little by little he began to feel cold, to the point that he couldn't move...

SMG3 came back a little late, but he still looked happy, it seemed like he was gone, as he was carrying a not very big box in his hands. When he arrived at the cafeteria, he left the box on one of the tables and started calling him.

- Eggdog, I brought you a surprise!... Eggdog? -.

But as soon as he realized that he wasn't responding, he started to worry, but as soon as he saw the open window, he no longer had any doubts...
He had gone out into the snow...

He grabbed his scarf, a flashlight and his coat again, there were still 45 minutes before it was completely dark, he had to find Eggdog. He went out and started calling for the little boy, to see if he could find him.

- ¡Eggdog!... ¡Eggdog!... -.

For a father who lost a son, time flies, so even though he had not realized that he was searching, the Moon was already beginning to be seen in all its splendor, just as it was becoming increasingly difficult to see through the snow that fell, but he didn't give up, he had to find Eggdog, even though it will cost him all night...

Little by little, the red-eyed man began to get colder and colder, to the point that his hands were hypothermic and he was also getting "Raynaud's Phenomenon" (Raynaud's Phenomenon causes the blood vessels to become narrower, thus decreasing blood flow, usually to the fingers and toes. Parts of the body become cold and numb and change color, usually turning white or blue). He was also starting to feel too dizzy, so it was starting to become very difficult to walk as well.

Suddenly, he accidentally crashed into what looked like a wall, but when he looked closely, he realized that it was actually the door of SMG4's Castle. Exhausted and very sad, he knocked on the door, hoping that someone would know. some Eggdog and they would let him stay there until the storm calmed down. He knocked and to his surprise, they quickly opened it.

- Who...? - asked 4, when he looked out the door.

- He-hey SMG4... -.


(Eng) The Secret Santa - ✧A SMG4 Fanfic✧ _ ♡SMG34♡Where stories live. Discover now