CHAPTER 2: The Mysterious Five

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I yelled at the individuals that were crouched in the shadows, "Don't come any closer! Show yourselves!" Just in case, the guys and I are in our fighting position.

Through their silhouettes, I can see how uncertainly they looked at one another. Eventually, they nodded at each other.

They emerged from the shadows one by one. The moonlight shining through the window lit up their features.

The guy was the first to approach. He is showing surrender by raising both of his hands.

He pleaded, "Please don't hurt us; we came here to hide from the murders that were taking place outside."

I spotted this bunch of people wearing precisely the same thing: a black button-up shirt and black slacks with similar black sneakers.

We all instantaneously loosened. The other girls behind him approached us too. They realized that we were trustworthy.

" Do you understand what's happening?" Josh questioned the man.

"No. We were all employed as servers here." Hmm. That makes sense.

"So far, the event has been a success. Every guests are having fun. Our tasks are doable. Then two males suddenly got into a furious dispute.

One of them suddenly bit the other in the neck. I observed his fangs tearing at the flesh. He chewed it up and swallowed it, which is the worst part." He continuously explained.

When I heard that horrendous revelation, I almost puked. For some while, nobody says anything. We attempted to listen to the cries and motion outside, but no one dared to speak.

The creatures shouldn't be aware of our whereabouts. For comfort, we chose to sit in a circle with our backs to one another.

We are able to observe everything and guard against sneaky strikes from behind this way.

I don't know how long it has been-long enough to make my buttocks hurt from sitting. I stood up and walked around the room since we could not leave.

"How about we all introduce ourselves quietly? Since we're all stuck together, we might as well know each other's names." Justin said.

"That's a good idea." I said as I sat back down in the circle. Now we're all facing one another.

"Hi, I'm Pablo." I waved and I looked at five of the newbies as I introduced myself.

"Uhm, I think you don't need to introduce yourselves," the guy earlier said. "We know your names. You're SB19. The PPoP legends." And he smiled at us.

"Oh, are you fans?" Stell asked. He likes meeting fans, even in the middle of potential life and death.

"Actually, we're all fans," said the girl with the glasses. "This party was full of celebrities, several of whom I assume are no longer alive, thus the reason why we came here in the first place was to interact with you all, even as servers."

We all agreed. Those celebrities are dead now.

"So, you guys know our names. Unfortunately, we don't know yours," Ken said suddenly.

"Oh, that's right. I'm Jax." The only guy from this group introduces himself.

"I'm Mary." A shell pen was used to bind up her curly hair. An artist, perhaps.

"I'm Demi," The long-haired, glasses-wearing female said.

"I'm Franz." She looks young with her shoulder length hair with her bangs. She's the youngest, I assume.

"And I'm Rain." She has a long jet-black hair and has a half-glove on her right hand.

We all introduced ourselves and chatted with them for a while. For the very first time there was silence in the mansion. Whatever is going on, the silence is eerier than the turmoil, in my opinion. Does this imply that since they were on the hunt for additional prey, we are all in danger?

Three knocks on the door interrupted the silence.

----To Be Continued----

Escape Before Dawn Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora