CHAPTER 9: The Witch's Animosity

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•Ken and Demi•


We are walking through the cemetery side by side. I’m carrying Demi’s duffle bag over my shoulder. It is full of weapons we need. It’s kind of heavy, but I’d rather carry it than make Demi bear the load the whole trip.

I'm watching her. She is alert but quiet. I'm carrying the shotgun; she has a pistol in both hands. I'm glad I exercise occasionally since it makes this for me quite simple.
I decided to break our silence.

"Demi, can I ask you a question?" She looked at me before she answered.

"Go ahead."

"How did you know all these things? Did someone teach you?" I asked.

"My Mom taught me since I was young. My older brother was killed by a demon. Maybe she’s paranoid that the same thing will happen to me, so she taught me everything."

I nodded. I just realized that there are people out there who live on the same planet as us but on different worlds.

“So, where is your Mom now?" I asked.

"She’s dead too. Killed by the same demon that killed my brother." What? That is painful. Looking at her now, I won't be able to predict that she is hiding so much pain. She looks young—practically my age. I can't imagine myself in the same situation as her.

"I’m sorry." That is all I can say.

"Don’t be. It’s not your fault. I’m actually hunting that demon my whole life. I want to kill them with my own bare hands." That sent chills down my spine.

"For what it’s worth, I am thankful that you’re here." She raises her right eyebrow at me, and I realize how I sound. I blushed uncontrollably.

"Uhmm. No, that’s not what I mean. I mean, I’m thankful for all of you helping us survive." I cleared my throat. That was embarrassing, but she just laughed at me.

"Uhuh, sure." She sounds unconvinced.

Our brief moment was cut short by a woman's cackle who emerged standing in front of us out of nowhere. She is covered in a green robe over a ripped and patched brown outfit and clearly seems ancient. Demi immediately stepped in right in front of me to protect me.

“Demi, my little girl, how are you doing?” She asked. Demi didn't respond; instead, she maintained her composure while leveling her pistol at the witch. Suddenly, the witch's focus moved to me.

"And who is that handsome guy behind you? A boyfriend maybe?" She’s starting to get on my nerves.

Demi snapped. "Shut it, Morgana!"

“How is your bitch of a mother? I see you're still feisty after losing her.” This bitch is getting on my nerves.

"Don’t talk about her mother that way!" I butted in.

She laughed out loud mockingly. Now she really pushes my buttons.

"Tsk. Tsk. Don't test my patience, Prince Charming. You don't even know what kind of person you're defending and what she's capable of. You don’t even know if she’s human or not." I know this woman is just trying to undermine my faith in Demi. Yes, I am troubled and curious by what she is trying to say. But I'll ask Demi about that afterward.

“I’m warning you, Morgana. Back off!”  Demi is now aggravated. The woman smiled wickedly before she raised her hands and shouted a spell.

Iprojice te!

I saw Demi fly across several tombstones and then land a few meters away from where we were standing. I ran straight to her to check if she was okay.

I forced her to sit right away and let her lean her body on a tombstone. She is bleeding like crazy. I tenderly tapped her cheeks and said, "Demi! Demi!" Zero reaction.  She is bleeding from her nostrils, earlobes, and the corners of her mouth. Fuck. What should I do?

The witch seems to be getting closer to us. I got to my feet, cocked my shotgun, and pulled the trigger after I pointed the gun at her. She only deflected my shot. Huh, witches can’t be killed with salt bullets. Learned that the hard way.

I loaded my gun as fast as I could, but my hands are shaking. I’m sweating profusely, which does not help. The witch is coming nearer while she’s laughing evilly. Finally, I loaded and cocked my gun, but when I was ready to pull the trigger, a bullet passed me and hit the witch on her head in front of me, killing her instantly.

I looked back to where Demi was, and her gun was smoking.
I’ve never been so happy to see someone alive. I ran to her right away to hug her. I really can’t explain the relief I'm feeling at the moment. Demi just giggled at me, even though she looks like sh*t.

"Ouch, be careful. I ache all over.” she reminded me.

"I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I thought you were dead." I stopped hugging her at once.
She smiled at me and said, “Naaah. I will survive everything." I have no words for how I feel as I stare at her right now. All I can think about is that there's beauty in the midst of chaos. Even now that she looks disheveled and worn out, her radiance is still beautiful. I had to stop myself before she became increasingly suspicious of me.

“Ken, can you please take the amber-colored bottle out of my bag.” I instantly complied with her request and went to get it. Before giving it to her, I looked inside and noticed that it was a sticky liquid that was more like blood in viscosity. Is Demi a vampire? I shake those ideas from my head.

“Thank you.” She took it from me and turned around to swallow the liquid. I waited for her to finish before I spoke again.

"She’s dead. How did your gun work and mine didn't?" I asked.

"Witch-killing bullets.” she stated like it’s supposed to be obvious.

"I see." We became silent for a while looking at the unmoving body of the witch.

"Ken, can you please get the amethyst ring from her finger? Our mission here is over. Let’s go back to the mansion and meet everybody else." I nodded and did as she told me.

----To Be Continued----

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