CHAPTER 7: Interrupted Conversation

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•Justin and Franz•


Franz and I breathed heavily as we finished running away from the ghouls while we killed the ones that blocked our way toward the chapel to hide.

We only have a handful of bullet shells left since I shot the ones that came near us. At the same time, Franz used the Iron rod and her dagger to attack them. I'm not going to lie; this girl had mad fighting skills. I was astounded.

Our counterattacks only harmed them temporarily, enough for us to escape. My hands still shook from the vibration of the gun when I loaded it and pulled the trigger. I'm not used to this, and I never will be.

"Justin, your leg." Franz noticed. I didn't realize I had a deep laceration on my right leg. The adrenaline was pumping throughout my body, but I kept running even though I was losing so much blood.

"Shit. I didn't know. Now it's hurting so bad." It feels like hell. The cut was gaping; I could practically see my bone inside.

"Hold still for me." I didn't move a muscle as Franz inspected my wound. "This is so deep." I nodded.

She pulled out a small pouch from her pocket and opened it. It's full of brown pellets inside. She took one and gave it to me.

"Chew this before swallowing," she instructed.

"This smells weird. What is this?" I hesitated.
She rolled her eyes.

"Just put it inside your mouth, Mr. Picky." I did as she told me. Franz looks cute, but she looks more adorable when she's irritated.

At first, the pellet tasted weird. Sooner or later, it tasted so sweet, just like chocolate. Franz closed her eyes as she mumbled something under her breath.

'Quae quondam fuit mea sana me reducere'

Her palms are hovering above my wound, and I can feel it slowly healing while her palms are glowing.

Wait. What is happening? How come she's capable of doing this?

A few minutes passed, and I was good as new. No more lacerations, but I see there's a very light scar where it was before.

"Franz, be honest with me."

"Sure. What is it?" I hesitated for a moment because I didn't know if I wanted an answer to my question, but curiosity kills the cat, so I went ahead and asked.

"What are you? How come you're capable of healing?"

Franz looked me in the eyes, and we stared at each other for some time. She was about to open her mouth to answer, but the door was broken by ghouls who went back for vengeance.

----To Be Continued----

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