CHAPTER 12: The Emerald Ring

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•Justin and Franz•



A huge blast frightened both of us as the Ghouls dashed inside the chapel.

Franz and I quickly stood up and went into defense mode. I counted my bullet shells; there were only four left. I’ll make every shot count.

"Justin, stand behind me!" She commanded. I promptly ran, following her.

I loaded my gun as the Ghouls came from every corner of the chapel. As they moved closer to us, I aimed my gun at the closest one. It was hit and slowed down, but didn’t die. Shit.

“Franz, bullets are failing to kill them." I said. Franz gazed at me for a moment, then nodded. I am very anxious right now. We might perish here. Three shells left.

Franz raised her hand and uttered a spell: ‘Cresunct vites!’

Thick vines emerged from the floor of the chapel, then tangled around the ghouls and ripped them apart. I really can’t believe what I’m experiencing right now. Franz is blazing in yellow-green light, and her hair is blowing in the wind due to the force that she possesses.

She conjured a bow and arrow made of wood out of nowhere, with a ball of dry moss on the heads of the shafts, for me. A ball of flames emerged beside me, floating.

“Justin, light the heads of the arrows and shoot them. Fire destroys ghouls immediately." I nodded and did as she ordered.

I lighted the arrows, loaded the bow, and let myself loose by blasting arrows at every ghoul in line of sight. It’s satisfying to see them burn and die before my eyes. Franz continues to tear the rest of them apart using her vines, which diminishes their number progressively. I feel like I’m in a video game.

Only one remained. He’s the biggest one. The BOSS.

I overheard Franz say, "Justin, let's attack him at the same time."
"Okay." I readied myself.


I counted as I flambéed the arrow.


I pulled the string while loading the bow.


The largest ghoul was bound by the vines as I let go of the arrows, which limited his movement. I saw at the same time that my burning arrow penetrated his heart.

Before his body exploded, causing flesh and blood to splatter all over the chapel wall, he shrieked. Actually, some blood and flesh got on both of us. Ewww.

We looked at each other then laughed hard. We both look like shit.

“We need to go and clean up.” I said.
Franz let her vine to remove the Emerald ring from the severed ghoul's finger. "I agree. Let's go." She cleaned it and tucked it safely away in her pocket.

We left the chapel together as we walked out. Now that that has ended, I can ask the question that was cut off earlier.
“Franz, who or what are you really?"

She gave me a direct response, saying, "I'm an elemental Fae, Justin."

I understood, "So that's why you can conjure elements earlier."

She replied, "Yes. Mostly land and fire. Are you afraid of me?"

"No. Actually, I'm not too surprised by this, given everything that transpired tonight." I answered, and she just smiled.

“Let’s walk faster to the mansion. Time is ticking” Franz said.

“Okay, race you! Hahaha.” I saw Franz shake her head and laughed as I ran ahead of her.

---To Be Continued---

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