CHAPTER 13: Josh's Discovery

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•Josh and Jax•

Josh’s POV

Vampires appeared from all corners of the room. They’re now surrounding Jax.

“Kill him!” Alastair ordered.

“No!” I shouted before I was interrupted by Jax’s sudden howl.

In front of me, the vampires engaged the pack of werewolves in combat as they entered the ballroom in large numbers. The conflict between the two species was raging. In the middle, Jax transformed into a white wolf with a purple undertone. He seems to be magical. I made the decision to act and protect myself as he was busy using his bare wolf teeth to decapitate vampires.

I was tired of being confined. Fortunately, I recall that Jax gave me a necklace with a vial of holy water as a pendant and a dagger that I tucked into the waist of my pants.

Alastair seemed distracted, so I reached for my necklace and opened it. Without looking back at him, I splashed the holy water on Alastair’s face, burning him like acid. The fight is still going on around us. Now that Alastair was vulnerable, I pulled out my dagger and stabbed his neck over and over again, beheading him. That poor bastard didn’t stand a chance.

I don't know how I seem, but I am certain that the blood all over my face and clothing makes me appear insane. The fight appears to have been won by the wolves. Dead Vampire bodies were all over the place. I knelt down and took Alastair's ruby ring, putting it in my pocket.

Finding Jax didn't take me very long. Other werewolves, now in human form, are surrounding him. He is lying on the ground in the center of them, naked. The fight has left him with the most injuries. For his modesty, I instantly took off my jacket and covered it up to his lean body.

Jax appears to open his eyes slowly. I waited in anticipation.

“Hello, how are you?” I questioned him in the sweetest voice I could muster. 
He merely moaned. No response.

“Can you get up?" I asked. He gave a nod. I had help with getting him to stand by another werewolf, and I put his arm over my shoulder right away.

Demi and Ken emerged through the door at that precise moment.

"What happened?” Demi asked with worry.

“After the fight, Jax is hurt.” I said.
She said, "Let's go back to Athena's office." I noticed Ken is also assisting Demi as she stands.

Something must’ve happened to them too.

I was given Jax's pants by a male werewolf, and I took it.

"Thank you for helping us earlier." I said to the werewolf.

"No problem. Please take care of our precious Omega." He smiled, and I nodded. One by one, they all left immediately.

On our way back to Athena's office to meet everybody else, the mansion is silent as Demi and Ken walk in front of us. What if Athena is there already? For now, I shake my head. When we get there, we'll deal with it.

I decided to end the silence between Jax and I.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked.
Jax reassured me, "Yes. My body will heal itself. I'll be better in a few minutes."

"So.." I trailed. He gave me an expectant gaze.

"You're an Omega, which implies that your wolf is female. Is it true?” I asked curiously.

“She is, yes, but she's the most powerful and most distinctive.” he said.

"Yes, I agree. She is beautiful". I saw a hint of blush on Jax’s cheeks, but I didn’t comment on it.

"So, do you have a mate?" I asked.

"No, not yet. No sudden urge to mate with anyone. He might be dead too. Who knows," he said. If that’s the case, then it’s simply tragic.

The rest were waiting when we arrived in Athena's office.

Franz got to her feet and went over to Demi. Ken had to let Demi go so that she and Franz could both sit on the floor.

‘Sana omnia vulnera’

Franz’s hands glowed and Demi’s physical wounds healed. I saw that with my mouth open.

What the hell is happening? Franz has magical healing powers? I looked around the room. The guys are all in awe except Justin. He had to be aware.
He had a tear in his pants, too, but no visible injuries.

Jax is now standing up straight next to me and wearing trousers, but he is still wearing my jacket from before and doesn't have an undershirt. His abs are on display.

After receiving her healing, Demi got to her feet and took a knife from a scabbard fastened to her right thigh. This one appears special since the blade is all black but has strange gold markings etched onto it.

The other four quickly reached for the same knife from their own scabbards and assisted Demi in completing the task as soon as she began to engrave the hardwood floor with symbols. The boys and I stood next to one another and watched the other five people.

“Guys, I don’t know if it’s just me but I’ve discovered one of these other five it's not an ordinary person.” I said to them. They nodded.

“Rain is an angel.” Pablo immediately blurted out. Which surprised us. Is he complimenting her? Well, Pablo is a romantic. That’s a fact.

“I’m sure she is Pablo.” Ken said patting Pablo at the back slowly.

"No, I mean she's literally an angel. With wings and all. Her angel name is Raziel, and she's a badass angel. She solely terminated all the fallen angels inside the club where we got a ring from the guy named Azazel. I just assisted her." A real angel among us? That is awesome.

“What? Really?”  I said as I am still in disbelief. So as the rest of the guys. Pablo simply gave me a nod.

“Franz is an elemental Fae. She can control plants around us, the ground, and also conjure fire. Most importantly, though, she can heal wounds. She healed my thigh when we were attacked by ghouls. It was amazing.” Justin said. Now, Franz has gained all of our attention.

“Mary, is a Mermaid. Not just a mermaid but a Princess Mermaid. We retrieved the ring from her own Mother.” Stell said all of a sudden.  A mermaid?! What is this? Crossing of worlds?

“Wait, did you have to kill her mother?” Asked Justin.

“No, she gave it to us after she requested me to sing in front of her and her subjects. She thanked me for bringing Merilia back. That’s Mary’s real name, by the way.” Stell explained.
Wow. We are all impressed. At least Stell doesn’t have to kill anyone to gain the ring.

“Jax is a male omega werewolf, which is rare. His wolf is so magical. I’ve never seen anything like it.” I blurted out. Now it’s their turn to be impressed. The guys and I are now bragging about our partners in this underworld but I have observed that Ken isn’t joining the banter but he’s laughing along with us.

“Wait, what about Demi?” I asked Ken. Our attention is on him.

“Demi is a skilled fighter, but she also remains a mystery. She is brave, but she also has a troubled past.” He just said, "All I can say is she’s an enigma, which fascinates me even more.” Ken continued.

While Ken is talking about Demi, I am observing him. As she cuts a circle into the wooden floor, his gaze is fixed on her. I’ve never seen Ken act like this before.

---To Be Continued---

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