CHAPTER 17: The Ultimate Sacrifice

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“A human sacrifice? What do you mean?” Asked Justin.

A human sacrifice. Why must everything end tragically? This implies that one SB19 member will have to give his life in order to save everyone. Athena can’t be sacrificed. She is a victim too.

I gave it a lot of thought, as did the boys. Stell is now sobbing and we are all inconsolable. We won't be able to live together after all we've given up.

“Is there no any other way?” I asked.

“No.” Athena simply answered.

“Guys, 15 minutes left ‘til dawn.” I heard Demi said.

To open the portal to the outside world, the human sacrifice must pass through the doorway Stell already seen.

I sat down while I reflected on everything that had happened tonight and my memories with the guys. I can still feel the love I had for them as my own brothers. I can’t lose any of them. I won’t be able to bear it.

I made the decision to sacrifice myself as I got to my feet.

"I’ll go.” I said, which drew many gasps and tears from people around me. The guardians all looked down, except Demi. I smiled at her as she looked at me with pity.

“No! Don’t do this Ken. I am your leader. I should go.” Pablo said.

“And what about your families? Huh? All of you? I have parents but they’re never home and I already lost my grandparents. I am willing to sacrifice my life for all of you.” The guys silently wiped their tears.

I bid the boys farewell by giving them each a hug and patting them on the back. I expressed my regret if I had ever caused them harm or unintentionally offended them. I sincerely hope they can forgive me for what I've done. Athena occasionally breaks down in tears and apologizes for what she unintentionally did. I feel awful about her. I hope she doesn't put the responsibility on herself for something she had no control over to begin with.
We all walked towards the portal but Demi and I are ahead of them walking side by side. Behind us, everyone is silent. It's similar to accompanying someone to their funeral. I can't even make them laugh now that I'm aware that this is my last opportunity to spend time with them.

“Demi?” I asked.


“Kill me before throwing my body to the portal.” I requested.

Demi just nodded.

“I don’t want to know what’s behind that portal and you’re the only one I trust enough to kill me fast and painless.” I continued.

“You are brave for doing this Ken.” Demi and I are now standing outside the portal the others are only a few meters away from us.

“Thank you. Since I’m going to die, I want to confess something.” I said as we faced each other.

“Go ahead.” She replied as she looked me in the eyes.

“These past six hours that we met were bizarre, dangerous, and full of adventure. If only we met in a different circumstance, I would’ve asked you to date." I kept looking at Demi while she processed what I had just said. She nearly tears up; her eyes are glossy. Since I think of her as a very tough woman, I wasn't expecting this, but it serves as a reminder that without her weapons and magical abilities, she's just a regular girl.

“If we had ever met under different circumstances, I would have acted similarly.” She admitted.

Two minutes before dawn.

I smiled at her, and I went for a tight hug. She grabbed both of my cheeks as I was ready to turn away from her, bringing our faces closer until our lips finally touched.

I didn't see Demi's back was towards the portal until it was too late as I was enjoying our beautiful kiss. She shoved me off with such power that I felt empty in my lips as she was sucked into the portal instead of me. Before I could even reach her and tightly hug her, it closed off right away.

What happened just now? I was utterly devastated and shocked. The guys forcibly pulled me back as I hurried in the direction of the gateway.

I screamed, "Let me go! That was meant to be me!” Despite my screams and kicking, the guys grip onto me even tighter. What happened just blows my mind.

“Ken! We have to go now! The other guardians can’t hold off the portal much longer since they’re down one member!” Josh yelled at me.

When I heard this, I straightened up, and we all started to escape as quickly as we could as the portal began to close. I gazed back at the other four guardians as they used their abilities to the fullest before pushing myself out of the portal, leaving them all behind.

We together with Athena, were standing outside of SB19’s shared apartment. The birds are chirping, and the sun is shining brightly in the sky. There are no visible creatures, and the air is clean. The real world is here.

We talked about what had transpired while sitting on our porch. Stell hugged me by wrapping his arms around me. Until I felt him delicately rub my back, I was unaware that I was suppressing my emotions.

“It’s okay Ken. Let it all out.” I heard him say, so I did.

“Isn’t it supposed to be a human sacrifice? Demi isn’t human. She has displayed immense power in front us just like the other guardians.” I stated. Looking at my friends for answers.

“Demi IS human, Ken; her abilities, as Jax explained to me, come from consuming demon blood.” according to Josh.

“Demon blood? I remembered that this probably explains why the witch said something about having faith in her.” I said.

“That doesn’t make her a bad person though. She only uses it when she needs it.” Pablo said and we all nodded in agreement.

“Athena, you should go home.” I heard Justin said and we all looked at her. I forgot about her presence for a moment.

“I will. I’m just waiting for my driver to come. I called him earlier using your telephone inside.” She answered. We nodded.

"Please take a rest and stop blaming yourself, Athena.” Stell told her, and she answered with a nod. Moments passed, and her driver arrived. We all stood up to say goodbye to her.

Pablo clapped his hands together.
"Come on. Let’s go in and wash up all the memories from last night.” Pablo said, and we followed his lead.

---To Be Continued---

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