CHAPTER 4: Mission Kind of Impossible

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"Can't we just exit this place before that?" I asked. All of his doesn't make sense.

"Whose car did you ride in coming here?" Demi asked.

"No one. It's Athena's free service." Ken answered.
I still don't understand what the big deal is.

"We all entered this land using Athena's car service." Mary stated.

"Which means?" Justin trailed.

"Which means we entered a portal through that car. We've been inside their world all this time. No matter what place we are here, we're still inside their territory." Demi finally clarified.

Our eyes widened, and our jaws dropped collectively.

"Can't we just look around for that car and escape from here?" Asked Pablo. Yeah, I agree with that.

"No, there's no car around here. That vanished after it served its purpose." Franz explained.

"So escaping is impossible?" I asked. F*ck it.

"Not entirely." Rain butted in.

"What do you mean?" I asked while looking at her.

"I found this book." She held the book up. I read the title, Association Against Wickedness.

"According to this, we need to collect Five rings from the leaders of the creatures and set up our ritual to open the portal to the real world before dawn. It is hard but not impossible." Rain continued.

Why is everyone knowledgeable about supernatural phenomena all of a sudden?

Hard, but not impossible. I can't believe this morning that the guys and I are happily choosing our outfits for the party. Now we're planning our strategy here to survive 'til dawn.

"Guys, we're wasting time. Stell's tattoo is finished.Who's next?" Mary asked.

"Me." I said.

"Everyone, while Mary is working on your tattoos, someone should help me substitute the lead powder from the shotgun bullets with salt." Demi said.

"Why?" Ken asked her.

"Because bullets alone can't kill them. It'll only slow them down." Demi continued.

The rest of the gang is switching the lead bullet powder for salt while Mary is sketching on my skin. Interestingly, the five are already carrying salt bottles within their baggage. So, why did they looked for some if they already have it? No one knows.

Demi got up and walked up to Stell. I saw him raise the arm with the tattoo on it. Demi covered it with both of her hands. She has her eyes closed and is murmuring.

'Fac hoc sigilium contra nos defende malum'

Then his tattoo lights up.

"What happened?" I asked curiously. Everyone looked in Demi and Stell's direction.

"I made it permanent for now. Even drawn by marker, it'll be hard to erase it here like a tattoo. Once we're out of the portal, this can be wiped off easily." She explained

We all worked tirelessly for an hour. Now that it's currently 1 AM, there are only 5 hours left to survive.

"Okay. We should prepare to separate. Everyone got their tattoos already?" Jax asked.

Us five answered collectively yes. But what about the others? I know Demi has one. Why didn't the rest get it?

"We should pair up and find the rings around this place. Bring all the weapons you need," Demi said.

The rings we're looking for are worn by the leaders of each creature here. Did I mention that we need to kill some of them to get it?

"I'm going to pair you guys up with one of us," Demi said.

"Jax, you'll go with Josh." Me? But I don't know if Jax can protect me, but it's okay. I can keep us safe.

"Rain, you're paired with Pablo." Pablo immediately went beside her.

"Mary, you'll be with Stell." They high-fived.

"Franz, you'll be with Justin." Hmm. Both the youngest are paired together.

"And Ken, you're with me." I can see the visible
happiness on Ken's face. I understand why. Based on skills and knowledge alone, Demi has them.

Ken's survival rate is high. I won't judge the rest. I don't know what they're capable of.

"Everyone ready?" Demi asked as she cocked the shotgun.

----To Be Continued----

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