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In the dark depths of the underworld, among the flames and shadows, lived a beautiful devil named, Irene. She was the daughter of a powerful devil and possessed an otherworldly charm that could captivate the hearts of mortals and demons alike.

For centuries, Irene had relished in her role as a soul hunter, she was tasked with collecting the wayward souls of humans who had made deals with her father. Her striking appearance and deadly allure made her an irresistible force that none could resist.

Souls would fall at her feet, willingly offering themselves to her, drawn to her enchanting beauty.

One day, however, curiosity sparked inside Irene's heart. She had heard tales of the human world and the emotions that dwelled within it. Intrigued by the idea of love, she resolved to venture to Earth and experience these emotions for herself.

With her father's blessing, Irene descended to the mortal realm, concealed her beauty with a disguise that made her appear like a regular mortal woman.

As she began her hunt for souls, she found herself in a bustling city, teeming with a vibrant energy she had never witnessed before.

Amidst the chaos of the city streets, she first laid eyes on a man so attractive, so undoubtedly gorgeous, that he took her breath away.

A man who, with his irresistible charm and heart full of compassion, is a humble artist. His soul shone brilliantly, calling out to her like a sweet melody.

Unable to resist the pull of her emotions, Irene found herself drawn towards the man like a moth to a flame. She observed him from the shadows, marveling at his kindness and the way he effortlessly captured the beauty of the world on his canvas. As she watched him, a feeling she had never experienced tingled within her, and she realized she was falling in love with him, a human.

Unable to resist the allure any longer, Irene approached the man. Their paths crossed in a serendipitous moment. As their eyes met, a spark ignited between them, and in that instant, she forgot her purpose as a soul hunter.

Days turned into weeks, and Irene and the man bond grew ever stronger. They explored the depths of the city together, experiencing the wonder of human emotions firsthand. Irene found herself dazzled by the power of love, compassion, and joy that radiated from the man's every word and action, and it was not long before Irene found herself carrying a child, a true testament of their passion.

When Irene's father discovered his daughter's forbidden love and the imminent birth of their daughter, he could not contain his rage. He refused to accept a human as part of his bloodline, dismissing the man as nothing more than a mere mortal. However, as time went on, witnessing the unbreakable love between Irene and the man, a seed of acceptance began to sprout in his heart.

But word of the forbidden love traveled to the angelic realm, where opposition thrived against such a union. The angels saw Irene's affection for a human as an abomination, a betrayal to her demonic heritage. Fueled by their righteous indignation, they decided to intervene, determined to separate Irene and the man.

In a cruel twist of fate, the angels orchestrated the man's death, tearing him away from Irene leaving her heartbroken and consumed by grief. But Irene could not accept her beloved's demise. Her grief turned into an uncontrollable wrath, consuming both realms.

The war between the devils and the angels raged on, with Irene leading the charge. She fought fiercely, fueled by her heartbreak and the profound darkness that had enveloped her soul.

Meanwhile, their baby, a symbol of the love that once bound Irene and the man, survived. Left alone on Earth, the newborn baby girl was discovered by a kind-hearted man, who, moved by compassion, took her in as his own, unaware of the extraordinary destiny awaiting the child.

And as the war reached its peak, Irene's heartbroken father, the devil king, was mortally wounded. With his dying breath, he entrusted Irene with the future of their realm. The weight of her father's death intensified Irene's grief, burying her deeper into the abyss of darkness.

The devastation washed over her, leaving her in a state of utter devastation washed over her, plunging her into a profound darkness. With no will to carry on, Irene's once-beautiful soul became as dormant, like a sleeping beauty waiting for her prince, her physical form encased in an eternal slumber.

But in the depths of her despair, a glimmer of hope remained: the possibility of true love's kiss to awaken her from this endless sleep.

The question lingered in the air, echoing through the realms:

Who would be the one to wake the beautiful devil with true love's kiss?

☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 𐦍 ☾𖤓

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