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“Welcome to hell Kang Yerim.”

“Huh? I'm in hell?”

“Wait– am I dead?!”

"Maybe I'm just dreaming..."

Yet the beautiful woman continued to gaze at her, as if waiting for her.

“This is just a dream,” Yerim continues to mutter in her head.

Yerim looked at the beautiful woman again who exuded an otherworldly grace, her flowing gown sparkling like stardust. She wore a serene smile that seemed to radiate warmth and kindness.

“Is this really hell? But she looks more like an angel than a devil, doesn't she?” Yerim asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

Confused and disoriented, Yerim struggled to find her voice. Finally, she whispered, “W–who are you, b–beautiful Miss?”

As Yerim's mind raced with many questions, a stray thought crossed her mind; “I wonder if this beautiful woman is single. Is she into girls too?”

The angelic-looking woman chuckled softly, as if reading her thoughts, her voice as melodious as a gentle breeze.

“Once again, I'm welcoming you to hell, Kang Yerim. I'm Son Seungwan, but you can just call me Wendy. I'll be your personal tour guide here in hell,” she replied, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

A jolt of disbelief shot through her.
How could this heavenly creature claim that she had arrived in hell? This paradise before her contradicted everything she had ever imagined about the underworld.

“But – but this can't be hell. I always imagined they torment souls in here.” she stammered, her voice tinged with disbelief.

“But this place is beautiful, peaceful... almost like a dream.”

Wendy's smile widened, and she nodded knowingly. “My dear, welcome to Hell's Paradise,” she explained. “This is where souls come to find solace after their journey ends. Well, about the torment part, I'll explain to you later,”  Wendy continued, her voice soothing and reassuring.

“So I'm really dead now..” Yerim said in disbelief, her mind reeling with the sudden realization. She instinctively reached for her body, but to her surprise, everything felt normal.

“Yes, dear. You died in a car crash at exactly 2 AM in Earth time.” Wendy confirmed gently, her expression filled with empathy.

As Yerim processed the information, memories of the accident flooded her mind. She remembered the screeching tires, the blinding headlights, and the sickening crunch of metal. It all seemed like a distant nightmare now, as if she were watching someone else's life unfold before her eyes.

Then she remembered something, her dear companion who shared her last moments.

Seulgi unnie!

She looked around frantically, searching for her unnie, but she couldn't see her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she cried out for her unnie, feeling a sudden wave of fear engulf her.

“Where is my unnie? Is she okay?” Yerim cried, her voice trembling with worry.

Yerim couldn't shake the thought; Is her unnie alive or dead too? And if she's here, has she found herself in this supposed paradise like her?

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