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The entire hell realm is engulfed in chaos; its palpable presence is felt by all. Panic and fear grip every corner as the once dormant queen, who has slumbered for many years, awakens, her immense power pulsating through the land.

The old demons who witnessed the war before are now overcome by fear, while the new generation, unfamiliar with such turmoil, are equally paralyzed. High-ranking devils are in disarray, their usual order shattered by the queen's awakening.

As the power surged, it reached the angelic realm, causing even the Queen of Heaven to tremble in fear, her eyes wide with dread.

“She is awake, Irene is... awake.” the queen stammered, her voice trembling.

Michael, standing at the queen's side, let out a deep sigh. He knew they had to prepare for the return of the queen of hell, and he must warn his son to be cautious now that the feared ruler of hell had finally awakened.

Amidst the chaos engulfing the queen's palace, Azazel remained rooted in his spot, his gaze fixed on the now-awake queen standing in the center of her palace.

“We need to get Yerim!” Seulgi exclaimed, her voice trembling with fear, as they spotted Yerim lying on the ground in front of the queen.

Despite her terror, Seulgi couldn't help but be awed by the queen's breathtaking beauty, even after years of slumber. The queen's eyes, sharp yet coldly beautiful, sent shivers down Seulgi's spine. It was a mesmerizing sight, even in the midst of chaos and fear.

Meanwhile, Wendy and Joy trembled with fear, overwhelmed by the power they had never experienced before. With the queen now awake, they couldn't fathom what their future held in this realm.

“You all should leave this palace now.” Azazel commanded the three devils.

Wendy and Joy, fear etched on their faces, glanced at their superior with questioning looks.

“What about Yerim? We need to get her home too.” Joy blurted out, her hands trembling uncontrollably. Wendy reached out to steady her.

“This is her home now, Joy.” Azazel stated firmly, causing the three of them to gasp in surprise, especially Seulgi.

“What do you mean—” Seulgi began to ask, confusion evident in her voice, but Azazel interrupted her.

“You should all leave before the queen sees you. Now, go!” Azazel's deep voice resonated, causing the three devils to cower in fear.

Wendy and Joy hesitated, but as Azazel's command echoed in their minds, they stepped back, each taking hold of Seulgi's trembling hand.

“Joy, Wendy...” Seulgi stared at the two bewildered and confused devils, their hearts pounding in their chests.

“We should go now, Seulgi.” Wendy stammered, activating her teleportation abilities with a final glance at the unconscious Yerim and the queen, before they vanished from the palace.

As the three devils vanished, the palace ceased its trembling, returning to its former state.

The palace appeared vastly different from its dormant state. Previously cloaked in darkness, now it radiated a vibrant pink glow, pulsating with life.

Even the sunlight seemed to dance within its walls, casting a warm and inviting atmosphere throughout. It was as though the palace itself had awakened alongside its queen, bursting with newfound energy and vitality.

As Azazel approached the queen, his steps slowed by the weight of deference, he beheld her mesmerizing presence. The air seemed to shimmer around her, an ethereal glow enveloping her form.

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