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Irene had never experienced love before; in hell, affection was foreign. However, everything changed when she met him – the love of her life. He showed her a world where love wasn't just a word, but a profound emotion that enveloped her being. With him, she learned to embrace the intoxicating feeling of love, discovering a world of warmth and tenderness she had never known.

Then, when her daughter was born, she realized that love transcends words; it's a feeling that defies explanation but fills you with profound meaning.

When Irene recalled her deceased lover through Seulgi's sketch, it shattered her composure. All the memories rushed back: his warmth, his love, his care, and his tragic end. She found herself engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions—love, hate, grief, and longing—all at once. It was as if she was caught in a storm of conflicting feelings, unable to find solid ground. This inner turmoil left her feeling disoriented and lost sight of herself. And the confusion was so overwhelming that she couldn't comprehend her own actions, including the impulsive kiss she shared with Kang Seulgi.

Irene tasted the metallic tang of blood on her lips as she continued to kiss Seulgi with a ferocity that bordered on brutality. Each press of her lips against Seulgi's felt like she was bruising her, as if she were desperate to imprint her own turmoil onto the other woman. It was as though she was racing against time, trying to drown out the memories flooding her mind with each passing second.

Finally, Irene released the kiss, and they both gasped for air, their chests heaving with the intensity of the moment. As Irene gazed into Seulgi's eyes, she couldn't help but notice the uncanny resemblance they bore to the eyes of her deceased lover. In that fleeting moment of connection, it was as if she was staring into the same depths that had once held her lover's gaze, stirring up a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within her once more.

Irene's throat tightened, almost choking her, as she found herself lost in Seulgi's gaze. It was as though time stood still, and in that moment, all she could feel was the weight of her own conflicting emotions pressing down on her. Suddenly, she felt Seulgi's touch brushed against her cheek with a gentle reassurance, as if offering comfort and understanding in the midst of Irene's inner turmoil. It was as though Seulgi could sense the depth of Irene's emotions, grasping the turmoil within her without needing a single word.

Unable to resist the magnetic pull any longer, Irene surrendered herself to Seulgi's embrace, finding solace in the warmth of their connection. Their lips collided once more, sparking a fiery inferno of passion that enveloped them both in its intense heat. In that electrifying moment, Irene felt an uncontrollable urge surging through her, as if a wildfire raged within her soul. Seulgi's hand gently cradled her head, guiding their kiss with a tender yet firm touch, as they became lost in the euphoria of their shared passion.

For a brief moment, they broke apart, gasping for air as they reveled in the aftermath of their kiss. But the pull between them was too strong to resist, and they found themselves drawn back into each other's arms once more. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the blissful oblivion of their kiss, the outside world fading away as they surrendered to the intoxicating allure of their desire. Minutes turned into moments, but for Irene and Seulgi, it felt like they could stay locked in this passionate kiss for eternity.

But as Irene's senses picked up the distant sound emanating from her and her daughter's room, she abruptly pulled away from Seulgi, startling the other woman with her sudden change in demeanor.

“What's wrong?” Seulgi's voice trembled with concern, her face etched with worry as they remained locked in each other's arms. Irene's mind raced with realization, a cold wave of clarity washing over her. She hated herself for allowing this moment to happen, for letting Seulgi into her.

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