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Wendy and Joy took it upon themselves to prepare Yerim for the unexpected revelation about her true identity and to ready her for the daunting task of awakening their queen.

However, unbeknownst to them, the superior of Hell had different plans.

Azazel's smirk deepened as he observed from the shadows of the queen's palace, his calculating gaze focused on the unfolding events. Days had passed since he first took notice of the mysterious visitors frequenting the queen's chamber, and with each passing moment, his satisfaction grew.

Content to let events unfold as they would, Azazel remained patient, confident that his carefully laid plans were steadily advancing towards fruition.

With measured patience, Azazel awaited the opportune moment to step out from the shadows and reveal himself. Concealed from view, he observed with unwavering focus, his mind already plotting a steps of his next move.


As days turned into weeks, Wendy and Joy grew closer to Yerim and Seulgi, their bond deepening with each passing moment. Their visits to Yerim and Seulgi's house became more frequent, almost as if they were part of the family themselves.

Wendy and Joy's presence brought warmth and laughter to the household, their camaraderie with Yerim and Seulgi strengthening with each shared moment. Whether it was cooking together in the kitchen, lounging in the living room, or simply enjoying each other's company, their friendship blossomed in the comfort of home.

Each morning, the four devils made it a ritual to gather around the breakfast table before embarking on their respective activities for the day. Wendy and Joy, duty-bound to their responsibilities in Hell, would soon depart after the meal. Seulgi, with her unwavering dedication to her art, would immerse herself in drawing, fulfilling her promise to capture Wendy's likeness on paper.

As for Yerim, her whereabouts often remained a mystery to Joy, who couldn't help but harbor doubts whenever the mischievous devil ventured outside. Despite her concerns, Joy knew better than to question Yerim's spontaneous excursions, trusting that her adventurous spirit would always lead her home safely.

With laughter and conversation filling the air at the breakfast table, Yerim's curiosity sparked another round of questions directed at Joy and Wendy.

“Why are there so many children here in Hell? What's actually their sin?” she asked earnestly.

“They're just the children of unexpected pregnancies.” Wendy replied matter-of-factly. “Demons enjoy sex and often neglect protection.”

Yerim nodded in understanding. “Ah, it's similar to Earth then.”

“Yes, but these children grow up just like any other,” Wendy assured her. “They're not the monsters you might expect.”

Yerim's next question caught Wendy off guard, her cheeks suddenly flushing with embarrassment.

“Wendy, are you still a virgin?” Yerim's question hung in the air, her eyes twinkling mischievously as she leaned in, waiting for a response.

Yerim's direct question left Wendy speechless, her cheeks flushing as she struggled to find a suitable reply.

Joy shifted uncomfortably beside her, sensing she might be the next target of Yerim's probing inquiries. Meanwhile, Seulgi fought back a laugh, thoroughly entertained by her sister's audacity.

Wendy cleared her throat, attempting to regain her composure amidst the awkward tension.

“Uh, Y–Yerim, well we're just doing what h–humans do too...” she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper as her cheeks continued to burn with embarrassment.

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