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Wendy's fingers traced delicate lines over Yerim's peaceful, yet unnervingly still, sleeping face, the remnants of exhaustion etched deep into her features after the tumultuous maze game.

Three days had passed since then, and despite Joy's healing efforts, Yerim remained unresponsive, her slumber unyielding.

So much had unfolded since the arrival of Seulgi and Yerim in their realm, and Wendy felt wearier than ever.

“When are you going to wake up, Yerim? Perhaps you're lost in a pleasant dream..” Wendy whispered softly, a touch of whimsy in her voice, a fleeting attempt to lighten the somber atmosphere.

“Don't be like your mother, still lost in her dreamland,” Wendy gently chided the slumbering Yerim, her words carrying both a gentle admonishment and a subtle plea for awakening.

In the depths of her heart, Wendy harbored the unwavering conviction that Yerim, this seemingly innocent young devil, was none other than the daughter of their queen.

Wendy quietly left Yerim's room and descended the stairs, finding Joy in the kitchen, immersed in baking.

“Did you just arrive here?” Joy asked, sensing Wendy's presence.

“Yes, I went straight to check on Yerim.” Wendy replied, approaching Joy who was still busy with something.

“She's still sleeping,” Joy informed her.

“Yeah. What are you baking?” Wendy inquired curiously.

“Chocolate cookies. Yerim loves cookies, and I promised her I would bake some. I also prepared some strawberry milk because Seulgi mentioned that Yerim really loves it.” Joy explained with a smile.

Wendy couldn't help but be amused by Joy's thoughtful gestures. She shook her head affectionately, realizing that Joy might have developed a fondness for Yerim.

Wendy asked, “Speaking of Seulgi, where is she?” Joy pointed outside the house towards the garden.

Wendy ventured outside and found Seulgi engrossed in drawing something.

“Seulgi,” Wendy greeted, and Seulgi smiled warmly in return.

“Hi, Wendy.” Seulgi replied, making space for Wendy to sit beside her.

Wendy's gaze fell upon Seulgi's drawing, depicting the queen in a peaceful slumber. A pang of melancholy swept through her as she realized Seulgi's lingering concern for their sleeping monarch.

Her thoughts drifted back to the conversation they had with their superior, Azazel, when they brought Yerim and Seulgi home after departing from the queen's palace. They had made a solemn vow to ensure Seulgi's well-being in their household while Yerim remained unconscious before their departure.

“Why would you not help Yerim when she's heavily wounded, you just left her there.” Joy's voice trembled with a mixture of frustration and blame as she directed her question towards their superior.

Wendy's warning glance cautioned against provoking Azazel's ire, knowing all too well the consequences of angering their superior.

“Yeah, I should have not left.” Azazel whispered, his admission tinged with a hint of regret.

Deep within, Azazel was already aware of the enigmatic circumstances surrounding the sudden appearance of the young devil in the queen's palace, a mystery that continued to unfold with each passing moment.

“Can you tell me about Kang Seulgi... Why she's in the queen's palace too?” Azazel's curiosity about Seulgi's presence in such a significant place was evident.

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