Chp 16

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Oberoi mansion (Udaipur)

Ved: jaan....(Whining)
Ved: Jaana listen na.....
Sam: What....?(annoyingly)
Ved: Give me a kiss just one ....pls pls I'll leave after getting it I swear...
Sam: Come (younger show his hand indicating the elder to come where the younger was working on his laptop while sitting on bed)

The younger grab the elder kissing him softly and with a little love which he can't show to the elder...

Ved: muaaah...(elder pecked on younger's cheeks )
Sam: Done ? go now.....(while pushing the elder towards the door)
Ved: Love u  (with love filled eyes)
Sam: hmm go....(Smilingly)
Sam: Crazy man....(blush)

Malhotra's mansion

Priya: aahan... call zaid baby is he coming to pick you up?(from kitchen)
Aahan: yes.... Calling (from living room)


the younger call the elder who received the call in the 2nd ring

Zaid: hello?(deep voice)
Aahan: Daddy...(low voice)
Zaid: hmm... coming baby just 15 min more...(softly)
Aahan: mumma was asking (pouting)
Zaid: Ok...tell her then hmm?
Aahan: Daddy ....(low voice)
Zaid: hmm?
Aahan: baby wants kissie...(pouting)
Zaid: let me come there then I'll give sho many...ok?
Aahan nodded with "Yeshh"

The younger was going again to oberoi mansion RAJASTHAN because everyone misses him and Shanaya had come too as she is pregnant of 4 months she too wanted to see the younger badly that's why she insisted the elder for the younger's presence.

After some time the sound of car horns can be heard to the Malhotra couples...

Priya hugged the younger who came after long and hectic journey....

Priya: have water zaid beta...(she handed a glass of water)
Ved: thanks mami...(little smile)
Raj: Did you got your deal on which you were working?
Priya: Raj.... seriously? (disbelief)
Priya: He come after a long journey and you are asking him about his deals can't you ask him "how was journey?" "Are you tired?" something like this..?
Ved: Yes mamaji we got the deal (coldly)
Priya: He's your son in law stop behaving like Hitler
Raj: He's my son in law that's why I'm behaving like this.It's my right to ask my son in law about his business...I want my son in law best for my baby...(proudly)

A smile crept on elder's face listening to couples words...

Priya: Your bratty son don't deserve my zaid.
Aahan: mumma......(whining from stairs)
Priya: What? I'm stating facts you annoying piece...(smack on younger's head)
Aahan: Dada....(went to his dada hugging him)
Raj: Love you should talk good about my baby...
Priya: Whatever...(rolls her eyes) Zaid beta if he did any naughty things just beat him ok
Raj: NO...he will not don't dare zaid Oberoi or I'll not give my son...(coldly)
Ved: I will not mamaji ....(coldly with little smile)

Bye mumma Dada....

The younger bid bye to his parents from the car and they headed towards their destination....

Aahan: Daddy.....
Zaid: Not now at home...wait till we reach there ....(elder said looking at younger's who was pouting sadly)

Feeling sleepy the younger put his head on elder's shoulder and drifted to his dreamland
At Oberoi mansion RAJASTHAN

Zaid: baby wake elder was trying to wake up the younger but as he didn't get any response he took the younger in bridal style to their room and inform everyone that the younger is sleeping so he'll meet everyone later....

Zaid was working on some files in his room where the younger was sleeping peacefully.....he time to time check the younger from his table where he was sitting if the younger is awake or not...his phone ringed which disturb the younger's sleep....

The younger rub his eyes and search for his phone in which his mumma has called...

Aahan: Yesh mumma?hmm we reached (in sleepy voice)
Aahan: hmm byee....

The elder went towards the younger who was on bed

Aahan: Daddy...(while throwing himself on elder who grab him)
Aahan: Did I sleep for long time daddy...(pouting)
Zaid:(while kissing the pout) No
Aahan: Daddy.... baby wants kissie (pouting)
Zaid: How many?(softly while caressing cheeks)
Aahan: Sho many.....(spreading his hands showing the amount)
Zaid: Let me give then ...did my baby miss this much his daddy's kissie
Aahan nodded while saying "mmm"

Zaid pulled the younger kissing him softly with love while the younger was tracing his fingers on elder's locks loving the sweetness in kiss which the elder was providing....the sweet kiss results into the hotness to both the lovebirds..... the elder found himself loosing control before he loose it he backaway only see his baby looking hella cute while taking his breaths helding the him of elder's shirt .the younger put his head on elder's chest taking his breaths....

Zaid: Are you okay love..?(Softly)
Aahan: (breathing heavily) Y-yes

Zaid caressed his baby's back helping him to breath normally.....

Zaid: Don't you wanna meet to dii?(softly while caressing hairs)
Aahan: hmm (while nodding) but I don't want to leave daddy too
Zaid: I'm not going anywhere... I'm here hmm go spend some time with her then I'll give you sho sho many kissies (bopping nose)
Aahan: Yeshh....I want 1 now (☝️)

Zaid pecked younger's lips multiple times making him giggles...

Zaid: Why sho cute hmm?(squeezing cheeks)
Aahan: I wanna go now daddy ...
Zaid: go

Aahan: Shanu dii......(from stairs)
Shanaya: Finally you got time for me ....(wiping fake tears)
Aahan: sorry I slept in the middle of journey
Shanaya: it's ok baby...
Malaika: Didn't you miss me ?
Aahan: Offcourse maa....(while hugging) I'm hungry maa
Malaika: Let Me give food to my bachha sit ...
Byee lovelies 💜

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