The Bubble City Idol Disaster part 1: Stylee gets Kidnapped

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The Next day, we were all hanging out with Stylee and she had some news to tell us. Hey guys, I have some great news.  Stylee said. Oh yeah what is it Stylee? Mr. Grouper said. I am having another concert in Big Bubble city. Stylee said. Oh wow really? Gil asked. Yes. But this time this is going to be the biggest concert in Big Bubble city history. This is going to be the Big Bubble city Idol. Stylee said.

Oh wow. That is really cool. Molly said. That sounds like fun. Goby said. Yeah. I agree with you. Nonny Said. Yes. We better get going. We have to be there by nightfall. The big concert starts at 9 pm sharp. We don't want to be late. Stylee said. Okay Stylee. Okay guys. We have to pack up the car and head down to Big Bubble city for the Big Bubble city Idol. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr. Grouper. Nonny said. I'm really excited about the Big Bubble city Idol. Zooli said. Yeah. Me too. Oona said. We better get going if we want to get there in time. Molly said.

So, we all went to the car and headed over to Big Bubble city. Okay guys. It's gonna take a while to get to Big Bubble city. This will be a long trip. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr. Grouper. Molly said. Okay Isaac. This will be a long trip. So, you should get comfortable. Molly said. Okay Molly said. I tapped Oona on the shoulder. Oona? I asked. Yes honey? Oona asked. Can I put your purple star on Stylee's cheek? I asked. Aww, of course honey. Oona said. I tapped Stylee on the shoulder. Stylee? I asked. Yeah? What is it my sweet little rockstar? Stylee asked. Can I put Oona's purple star on your cheek? I asked..

Of course honey. Go ahead. Stylee said. So, I put Oona's purple star on Stylee's cheek for a few minutes. Oof! Stylee said as I put Oona's purple star on her cheek. I really like putting Oona's purple star on your cheek. I said. Aww, you do? Stylee asked. Yes. That feels nice. I said. I'm so glad. Stylee said. So, I played with Stylee until we got to Big Bubble city. A few minutes later, we all arrived at Big Bubble city for the Big Bubble city Idol.

Okay guys. We are here. Mr. Grouper said. Yay! Finally. That was a long trip. I said. Yeah it sure was. Stylee said. Hey I have to get ready for the concert. Here take Oona's purple star and give it back to her. Stylee said. Okay Stylee. I said. Are you guys excited for the Big Bubble city Idol? Stylee asked. Yeah we sure are. Deema said. Oona here is your star. I said while handing the star to Oona. Oh thank you honey. Oona said.

Oona put the purple star back in her hair. Attention all citizens of Big Bubble city. The Big Bubble city Idol is about to begin. The male snail said. Ooh. The Big Bubble city Idol is about to begin. Let's go take our seats. Mr. Grouper said. Okay Mr. Grouper. Gil said. So, we all went to the state sitting area and we all took our seats. I'm really excited about this. I said. Yeah. Me too buddy. Nonny Said. Attention! Put your hands together for Stylee's big show! The male snail said.

Yay! This is going to be exciting! I said. Then, everyone started cheering. Then, Stylee began her show. A few hours into the show, Molly and Gil noticed 3 masked lobsters. Gil, why are there 3 masked lobsters approaching the stage? Molly said. I have no idea. Gil said. Uh oh. That looks like trouble. Mr. Grouper said. Uh guys? What's going on? I asked in a worried voice. I gave no idea. Zooli said. This doesn't look good. Goby said. 

Then, the 3 masked lobsters approached Stylee. Hey there. Stylee. Max said. What!? How do you know my name?! Stylee asked. That doesn't matter. You are coming with us! Leo said. NO! Get off me! I have a concert to do! Stylee said. Shut up Stylee! Leo said. Then, Danny ripped off a piece of tape and went to Stylee while cupping his hands over her mouth. Then, Danny removed his hand from her mouth and Stylee screamed. ahhhhhh! NO! What are you going to do to me! Stylee said. Then, Danny put tape over Stylee's mouth and now Stylee was unable to scream. Shut up Stylee! Leo said. Hmmmm!!!! Hmmmmmm! Stylee said. Then, they stuffed her in a bag and carried her to their van and stuffed her in their trunk and drove away.

The whole crowed was completely shocked of what just happened. Oh my god! Stylee! What did they do to her! I said. I began to cry very hard. Then, the Guppies comforted me. Oh honey. Shhhh Shhhh. I know Oona said. What are they gonna do to her? Gil asked. I have no idea Gil. Mr. Grouper said. I continued crying all while the guppies were comforting me. I'm so sorry sweetheart. Zooli said. I'm really sorry you had to see your favorite singer get kidnapped right in front of your eyes. Nonny Said. 

I was scared out of my mind of what I just seen. Come here. Molly said. Then, the guppies grabbed me and Then the male snail had to cancel the concert. Attention everyone! Due to some unforeseen circumstances, the Big Bubble city Idol concert has been cancelled due to some maniacs kidnapping our famous singer. But however, the Big Bubble city Idol concert will be rescheduled to a later date because Stylee was kidnapped on stage. We will resume the concert once Stylee returns. Sorry for the inconvenience. The male snail said.

Then, the whole crowed was crying and everyone was sent home early after what happened. What are we gonna do now? Goby asked. I don't know.  I'm gonna have to call Stylee's Family and tell them what happened when we get back to the preschool. Grouper said. Okay Mr. Grouper. I was crying in the guppies arms. What are they gonna do to her? I asked while shaking. Awww, sweetie. I'm so sorry sweetheart Gil said while the guppies were hugging me. Sweetie. I'm so sorry you had to see that. Molly said. 

Come on guys. I'm sure the police will look for her. Mr. Grouper said. I really hope she's Okay. Deema said. Yeah. Me too. Oona said. Isaac is worried about her. Goby said. Yeah. I don't blame him. Mr. Grouper said. Like he really likes her. It really scared him when he saw her get kidnapped by those maniacs. Mr. Grouper said. I'm gonna go back upstairs to our room and stay with Isaac for a while. He's really upset. Molly said.

Okay Molly. Mr. Grouper said. So, Molly went upstairs to our bedroom where the rest of the guppies were hugging me while I was cuddling with my favorite plush doll of Stylee. I was sobbing my eyes out. Ohh! Sweetheart. I'm so sorry about Stylee. Zooli said. I'm really worried about her. I said. I know. I'm sure the police will look for her and track those maniacs down. Zooli said. Okay Zooli. I said

Meanwhile at the edge of town...

The kidnappers took the bag with Stylee and carried her into an abandoned building where they tied up Stylee to a chair. There we go. Now Stylee is finally ours. Leo said. Yeah! Now we can play with her! Max said. A few hours later, Stylee woke up and Max took the tape from her mouth and Stylee screamed. Let me go! Fools! Stylee said. What do you want with me! Stylee asked. Oh I wanted to see your fan suffer. I can guarantee you that he is probably crying his eyes out. Danny said. No!! You need to let me go! Please. Stylee said.

shut up Stylee. Leo said. Then, Leo grabbed a bottle of glue and came up to Stylee, squished her cheeks, tilted her head back, and put glue on her lips and glued her mouth shut. Stylee screamed as Leo ran glue across her mouth. MMmmmmmmmm! Then, Leo blew on her mouth to help the glue dry. Then, Stylee started to cry. Hmmmm! Stylee said scared. Then, Leo put tape over Stylee's mouth. This is what his fan gets for liking her. That should take care of her. Max said. There is no way the police will find us. Danny said. Back at the preschool Mr. Grouper had to make a call to Stylee's parents.

Hello! Is this Samantha? Mr. Grouper asked. Yes. Is everything okay? Samantha asked. I hate to say this but your daughter was kidnapped this evening and now Isaac is really upset. Mr. Grouper said. Oh my god! My daughter?! Where is she! Samantha asked in a worried voice. I don't know where they took her but I will have the police do a search party for her. Mr. Grouper said. Okay thank you for calling. I hope she's Okay. Samantha said. Yeah. We hope so too. Mr. Grouper said.

So, Mr. Grouper decided to call the police and tell them everything that happened. Hello? Is this the police? Mr. Grouper asked. Yes. This is the BubbleTucky police department. How may we help you? Officer Miranda asked. Yes. This is Mr. Grouper. I need to report a kidnapping. Stylee the famous rockstar was kidnapped by 3 lobsters at her concert today and now we don't know where they are but I believe they went to the abandoned house at the edge of town. Can you please form a search party and find her. Her parents and Isaac are really worried about her. Mr. Grouper said.

Don't Worry Mr. Grouper. The police will look for her and track those maniacs down. Officer Miranda said. Okay thank you very much. Mr. Grouper said. No problem. You have a good day. Officer Miranda said. You too. Mr. Grouper said. Okay guys. I made a call to the police department and they will go find Stylee. Mr. Grouper said. Okay thank god. I really hope she's Okay. I said. I know sweetie. Oona said. But the police department will look for her. Oona said. So, everyone went to bed after a traumatic experience at the concert

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