3: Benton Backwards

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Benton Backwards
Season 7 x 04

the whole day has been hectic, as per usual.
i've been running around like crazy.
that's also something i've been getting used to. i also find that weird because we got a new nurse recently. abby.
i remember seeing her up in OB a year or two ago. i guess she was a med student but her ex husband stopped paying her tuition or something. at least that was the rumour circulating amongst the nursing staff.
anyway, kerry weaver made her come down here in the ER.
"can i go on my break?" she asked me
i looked at my watch.
"sure" i smiled
"i'm off in a half an hour" i said, as she walked away. that surprised me, though. i mean i was glad.
i went back into a trauma room.
carter was scribbling in the chart. but, a girl stood in front of the trauma room, looking at the patient through the glass.
"do you know her?" i asked
the girl nodded her head.
"you can go in if you want"
she opened the door and i followed her in
"you know her?" carter asked the girl, standing up
the girl nodded again.
"it took awhile but she's stable now"
the girl took out a gun and shot the patient twice in the head.
it all went by so fast.
"jesus christ" i sighed, running a hand through my hair.
the girl ran into the opposite direction.
"chuny, we need to try and stop her" i shouted down the hallway.
"you alright, carter?"
he looked as white as a ghost. i stepped closer to the patient, putting a new pair of gloves on.
"everything okay in here?" luka asked from the other exam room.
i took a look at the patients head, god, this was gross.
"let's give her an amp of epi" luka added
"no point" i said, shaking my head.
"there's brain matter everywhere"
it was all over the gurney all over the floor.
he looked down at the floor.
"i'll get the death kit" i whispered
carter ran off some place, leaving luka and i alone. he scribbled in the chart as i dug through he drawers.

after sending that girl off to the morgue, i was finally off.
carter was at the admit desk.
"you should go home" i said, signing my last chart off.
he turned his head to look at me
"yeah, i'm thinking of heading off"
"that type of stuff happens a lot down here, huh?" i asked, beginning to walk away.
he nodded his head.
i knew from hospital rumours that he was the one who was stabbed about a year ago. i mean, i was working up in the NICU that day. it wasn't hard to find out since the whole entire hospital was in lockdown.
i didn't want to pry though.
"have a good night" i waved
he gave me another nod.

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