40. Dead Again

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Dead Again
Season 9 x 02
Late August, 2002:

the summer had flown by before i knew it. i couldn't believe the new med students would already be arriving to the hospital. another surprising thing was it was still hot outside. like really hot outside.
these last few months had been crazy hectic though. i was working mostly on nights and screwed up my sleep schedule.
right now i was running on two hours of sleep and on the verge of a mental breakdown. i had no choice but to show up though. especially since we had to get a whole extra board to record patients. it was insane.
all morning all i heard was gianna, gianna, gianna. it got annoying.
"gianna you need to triage" kerry shouted
"i'm on it" i groaned, walking toward the waiting area.
"nurse when am i gonna get seen?"
"what are you complaining of?"
"my tooth aches like crazy"
"we can't do anything for that here" i sighed
"dental clinic is upstairs"
i moved to the next patient.
"how about you, sir?"
"i passed out about a half hour go"
"follow me" i nodded, leading him to the curtain area.
i continued triaging for the next hour.
"gianna" carter shouted
i turned around, giving him side eye.
"can you give these med students a tour?"
"i'm a little busy"
"so am i"
i rolled my eyes
"they're getting ansy" he whispered
"of course dr carter"
"more like dickhead" i mumbled
he raised an eyebrow "what was that?"
"hello everyone" i smiled
"i'm gianna the nurse manager down here"
"are things usually this busy down here?" one of them asked, he looked nervous.
"most days" i nodded
"if emergency medicine is something you want to consider than you get used to it"
"it's exciting, but can be stressful"
"ready for the tour?" i added, walking down the hallway.
"where you began was the admit area, that is where you pick up a chart"
"most patient information is kept on the board and it's where labs and films will come in"
"down here we have curtain area 3"
"how long have you been working down here?" a girl asked, scribbling in her notes.
"this is my third year down here"
"come on" i added, turning the corner.
"drug lock up"
"it's where the drugs are locked up"
"here you also have the trauma rooms"
"i'm sure all of you are very eager to get in here"
i raised my eyebrows "not so sure that our attendings will be eager for that"
"there's more exam rooms down there along with our supply closet and suturing room"
"then we make our way back around to curtains 1,2 and our exam rooms" i smiled
"very simple"
"any questions?"
"what's the worst thing you've pulled out of somebody?"
i let out a sigh "a trophy"
i was now hiding out in the drug lockup stocking a few things. i could barely keep my eyes open never mind let run around the er all day.
"what?" i sighed
"if now isn't a good time, i can get someone else to help me"
it was luka.
i rose from my squatting position.
"what's up?" i smiled
"could you irrigate and dress a lac for me?"
"sure" i nodded
"are you doing okay?" he asked
"haven't been able to sleep in what feels like ages" i smiled, rubbing my eye.
"you look tired"
"haven't you been on all night?"
"yeah" i nodded
he led me to the patient, who was sitting in the hallway, with a lac on her head.
i put on a pair of gloves and got the saline ready for irrigation.
"want me to hook her up to the monitors?" i asked as luka began suturing.
i got an extra monitor from the supply closet and hooked her up to it.
heart rate and bp was normal, she was just nervous looking.
"your patient is back from radiology" abby said, wheeling a man into curtain three
he put down his scissors.
"gianna, you can put a dressing on that?"
i nodded, putting the cream on her lacs.
luka went into the trauma room.
i took a piece of gauze and wrapped her hand. then, i put a bandage on her head.
"good as new" i smiled
"i can get the discharge papers for you"
"i wanna stay awhile" she whispered, looking toward the trauma room.
"i'm his secretary"
she pointed to a man who came in earlier.
"so you know him well?"
she nodded
"i can find some information out for you"
"okay" she nodded
"dr. kovac will probably see you soon,
too" i smiled
my shift had finally almost come to an end.
luka and i discharged that secretary, i sent off a headache, fainting man, and uti, too.
i went around the admit desk.
i had just finished the new nursing schedule and now was signing off time cards.
"gianna?" abby started
"why am i on nights for the next three days?"
i gave her a defeated look.
"i know you have a problem wit-"
"abby" i interrupted
"i've been on nights for the last few weeks just for the staffs convenience"
i raised my eyebrows "i haven't slept in what feels like in forever"
"and frankly i might as well shoot myself if i have to spend another night here"
gallant came around the desk.
"it sounds like you're experiencing textbook symptoms of depression, gianna"
"i can't wait for you to end your psych rotation, gallant" i smiled
abby began walking away. i sat down the time cards.
"on that note"
"i'm off" i smiled
"have a great night, gallant"
"you too, gianna" he laughed

a/n: sorry for the late-ish posting! i literally came home with the worst headache. literally a migraine on the right side of my head. i haven't been able to do anything!! i also wanted to add to this part to make it more interesting (which i did). so, i hope you at least enjoyed it. i feel like some of these are filler chapters and are dull. but, just know that by the end of this week, things are going to get more exciting to read.

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