Mornings are always chaotic in this household

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Nymeria woke up to a feeling of unease setting off alarm bells in her head. Something wasn't right.
Opening her eyes, she looked around her empty room. There were no creatures here trying to kill her. No people are about to sneak up and drag her to the lab. Nothing was visibly wrong.
Standing from her bed, she crept to the door leading to the hall. After listening for a minute to make sure there wasn't someone waiting outside, she opened the door and slipped into the dim lit corridor. After pausing at Kenzo's room she shook her head and continued on.
Nymeria wandered into the cafeteria only to continue on when that too was empty. She finally found another person when she entered the room used for training.
She wished she hadn't.
Standing in the center of the room, was her father.
Her father, whose hands were holding Izuku's small shoulders. Her son's shoulders. She went to speak but found that no sound escaped. At the attempt, she saw her father smile.
The hands on Izuku's shoulders slowly crept to his neck, holding gently at first, but visibly tightening rapidly.
Nymeria didn't think, just lunged forward, a silent cry escaping as a soft whine. She got within three feet of them before hitting something solid. Banging on the invisible barrier, she attempted to summon her quirk with no success. As her father's hands continued to tighten, as Izuku began to thrash and scream, Nymeria could only sob and mouth words silently, ignoring the pain in her arms from hitting the barrier over and over.
Izuku's struggles slowed, and as they did Nymeria felt herself slowly sinking to the ground, sobs continuing and a stream of screams in her head drowning out any other sounds. Her father smiled bigger before releasing his hold on the now-still toddler. Nymeria closed her eyes before Izuku hit the ground.

A blaring alarm pulled Nymeria out of the nightmare she had been trapped in and she jolted up in bed. Turning the alarm off, she began the process of regulating her breathing. Looking around her room filled with a wide assortment of books, gaze skimming past the laundry she still hasn't put away, and landing on the framed photo of her family that was taken on her last birthday, she took a final deep and settling breath before rubbing her hands over her face.
Before she could stand up, she heard a door down the hall open and the steps of a half-asleep Kenzo leaving the bathroom across the hall. Sighing, she grabbed her phone and opened her door. Running into a bare scarred chest would've sent her stumbling back into her room, had a hand not lashed out and steadied her.
"Well good morning princess!" Zo chirped at her. Chirped. Because of course her best friend/pseudo brother would be a morning person who was fully functional and happy upon waking up. She gave a vague grunt in return and elbowed her way past towards the bathroom. "Didn't get enough beauty rest last night huh?" The question sounded playful and teasing but Nymeria could hear the edge of concern in it, the unasked- You okay?, and paused to look over her shoulder. "If you are going to walk around the house, put some damn clothes on." A slight tilt of her head answered, I'm fine, we are fine, we are safe. She heard Zo's chuckling behind her as she closed the door.
Going through her morning routine after using the bathroom, Nymeria tried to wake herself up more. She was definitely not a morning person, and in a household just full of them, she knew she needed to brace herself or she would get a headache right off the bat.

It had taken her a while to adjust to the life she now lived. The first six months after being freed from her father had been fast paced and chaotic. Ama had immediately begun looking for a house big enough for all of them plus a spare room for whatever hero would inevitably crash in instead of going home following a day of training. Moving three weeks after beginning to adjust to the too-small home was tedious. Getting used to living in a home instead of a compound was jarring. Being able to sleep in and not have to fight for her life from the moment of awakening until going to sleep was still something both her and Zo struggled with even two years later. Those first months were filled with flinches and crying and tough conversations about what all had happened.
Having people care about them was another huge adjustment.
And the list of people that cared was bigger than she thought it would be. Not only did she have her aunt and uncle, there was Izuku. Sweet Izuku who, not to sound biased, was the best child ever. He was generally good natured- (Except when he was sick, then nothing besides being glomped onto one of his people could stop his cries)- Izuku was all smiles and giggles and wild hair that filled a special hole in her heart she didn't know that she had. He was also ridiculously smart. He picked up talking faster than average, and could communicate his wants and needs with generally no issues.
In addition, she also met and befriended her uncle's nephew and her new cousin. Naomasa Tsukauchi was five years older than her and had quickly become one of her favorites. His dry sense of humor, quiet demeanor, and general soft kindness led to them usually sitting in a quiet corner together trying to find peace. He was currently a police officer under his uncle, and had goals to be a detective so he could put the full potential of his quirk- true man- to use.
Outside of her legal family, she also had expanded on her found family as well. Toshinori, Torino, and Mirai all visited frequently outside of their assigned check in and training duties. It was a fast transition from heroes to uncles and grandpa to her, and Izuku's ecstatic reaction to seeing "All Migh" in person frequently warmed everyone's hearts.
Ama had introduced them to a family she had gotten close to after she got custody of Izuku. Mitsuki, or as she insisted on being called, Suki, and Masaru, "Call me Masu, please" were the young parents to one Katsuki Bakugo, who was now Izuku's best friend. The young couple had met Ama at the hospital she was doing her training at when their three month old had developed a fever. When Suki had slipped and fell and sprained her wrist six months later, Ama was their nurse once again. This time, they chatted about the children in their care, and both Bakugos insisted on setting up playdates for the children.
After agreeing to sign NDAs created by a commission lawyer, the two were introduced to Nymeria and Kenzo and informed of their past and Izuku's true parentage. Since then, the little family has been a staple in their lives, and was a great help in watching Izuku when the adults were working and the teens were training. The fact that the Bakugos had a key to the Akatani/Midoriya household usually resulted in chaos-filled meals and surprise visits.

The Embers Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora