A meddling Rat, Cloudy skies, and one Loud ass bird

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Nymeria takes back every nice thing she's ever said or thought about Nedzu since she's met the rat.
He knows she wasn't having the best day, and yet, he still decided that it would be a good opportunity to practically throw other teenagers at her, step back, and watch the chaos.
Actually, now that she's thinking about it... Yeah, the chaos part tracks.
Doesn't mean she's not going to bitch about it later.
She's brought out of her thoughts of revenge by a hand being thrust into her personal bubble. Following the arm to its owner, she makes eye contact with the blond haired boy to her left. As she continues to rest her head on one hand, she notes his wide smile and hair that is spiked up into a style resembling a cockatoo. It's his eyes that she pays the closest attention to though. Peering at her over tinted glasses, the yellow-green eyes with concentric circles clearly visible don't match the bright smile on his face, looking more anxious than happy.
As she doesn't reach out to shake his hand, the smile dims slightly in time with his eyes, and he slowly pulls his hand back to himself.
He clears his throat, glancing briefly at the boy to her right before speaking.
"YO! The names Hizashi Yamada, nice to meetcha!"
And wow was he loud. Nymeria could hear a slight undercurrent tone to his voice, most likely an effect of some relation to his quirk. An amplifier aspect maybe?
Tilting her head slightly, she spoke at a quieter level.
"Your quirk got something to do with your voice or somethin?"
He chuckled before pointing two overdramatic finger guns at her.
"YEAHHH! You got it right in one go! My quirk is called Voice- basically means I can get really loud! What gave it away? Was it the volume? It's always the volume."
He had started out sounding as enthusiastic as before, but she noticed the last part he tacked on was more subdued, and if she had to guess, more anxious or sad. Taking a breath and reminding herself that she was supposed to at least try to make friends, she gave a slight shake of her head looking down at her desk.
"No. Actually, I thought I heard an undercurrent in your tone- a sound that subconsciously pleases the brain. It's commonly found in people who have voice-affiliated quirks. It's usually a subtle mutation of the vocal cords that aids in making the sound of the person's voice more enjoyable to most so that people tend to listen to them more."
She gave a slight shrug at the end of her mumble and glanced back at him, eyes widening slightly at the shocked look on his face. Glancing at the blue haired boy to her right, who had moved his chair closer to her desk when they had been released to socialize, she noted that he looked shocked as well.
Feeling a slight blush creep up on her cheeks, and internally cursing at herself, she looked back down at her desk again and mumbled a quiet, "Sorry, I just know a lot about quirks."
After another few beats of silence Yamada sucked in a deep breath, waving his hands around a bit.
"No, no! Don't be sorry! I just don't think I've ever had anyone notice that before! You're right though! Wow, that's crazy cool!"
She looked up at him again and noticed the smile was back on his face, this time actually reaching his eyes.
"Hey hey! Can you do me next?! The name is Oboro Shirakumo by the way, but you can call me whatever you want!" Turning the the blue haired boy when he began to speak, she watched as he ended the statement with a wink, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Oh great. Kenzo would get along great with this guy if he flirts shamelessly as much as Zo does.
Blowing a breath out her nose, she took a minute to look him over for any visible ques to what his quirk might be. The only clues she noted were the light blue hair that seemed to sway slightly as if caught in a light breeze, and the nasal strip across his nose.
After a moment she hummed and gave a small shrug.
"Based on your hair and that nasal strip, as there's no other audible or physical cues, I would assume it has something to do with air pressure? Your hair fluctuates as if in a breeze, and if you are more in tune with air pressures you might be affected by rapid changes in them, resulting in congestion? Or I'm way off and you just have allergies."
His grin grew bigger and he practically vibrated in place.
"Woah! You're pretty close actually! My quirk is called Cloud- I can form and control clouds, and can change the density of them. I can ride on my clouds too, but I'm still working on being able to transport others." While he was talking he formed a small cloud in his hand, sending it zipping around them in a few circles before it disappeared. He paused to run a finger under his nose before continuing.
"And you were right about the congestion. I'm constantly dealing with it, and the nasal strips make it less severe!" She gave a slight nod at that and turned back to look at her desk.
A throat clearing after a minute of quiet brought her attention back up, to the fact that they had both pulled their chairs up to her desk now.
"SO! What is your name?" Yamada questioned, leaning back in his chair. "And your quirk?!" Shirakumo was leaning on her desk at his follow up question.
Taking a breath and slowly releasing it, she finally sat up and lowered her hands to her desk.
"My name is Nymeria Akatani, please call me Nymeria though.."
"Oh well if we are going by first names, call me Oboro!"
"Hizashi!! Or Zashi if you want!"
Both boys had bright smiles on their faces as they interrupted her, and Nymeria gave a small slow nod, clearing her throat before continuing.
"Uh, my quirk is called Toxic Absorption. My body takes in toxins from the air around me, or other outside sources, and turns it into an energy I can use offensively or defensively. It presents as a dark smoke-like cloud, usually from my chest or arms and hands. It also has a near-sentient quality that allows me to heal myself, and will act out when it feels I'm in danger."
She glanced at both boys from beneath her bangs as she talked, watching for any negative feelings or a sign that she should stop talking, but both just continued to look excited and intrigued.
She took another deep breath before raising a hand letting her quirk suge to the surface and twisting it around her hand and wrist in a serpentine motion.
With no looks of fear or disgust seen on their faces, she let it trail forward and ruffle through both of their hair. She carefully tracked their reactions to her quirk's touch as well as letting her quirk get a good gauge on them through it.
When there was no reaction besides laughs and proclamations on how amazing her quirk was, and her quirk settled with a content hum deep in her chest, she allowed a small close-mouthed smile to flit across her face.
Before any more conversations could be had, thankfully, the bell rang. She sat through the teacher introductions for all of her core classes; History, Math, Science, Literature, Art, and English would all rotate being taught in the morning, before Heroics would begin after lunch. None of the other teachers allowed time for talking, just going through the syllabuses and outlining the work for the year.
When the bell rang for lunch, Nymeria ducked out of the classroom before anyone could attempt to speak to her and made her way outside, sitting down under a tree a few yards from the doors and pulling her phone out to check in with her family and see how Kenzo was doing. It was a nice day, and she noticed a few kids scattered around sitting at tables or on the ground in the surrounding area.
As she responded to a message from Kenzo saying he had made a tentative friend, she occasionally took a bite of the bento Cabe had packed that morning.
She was brought out of her focus by her quirk surging in her chest, looking up to see a small group of people approaching her. Hizashi and Oboro sat down on either side of her, calling out cheerful greetings. Nymeria quietly returned them while keeping her focus on the older female teen she hadn't met before sitting down next to Hizashi.
Hizashi, after noticing the wary stare she was giving, introduced her to one Nemuri Kayama, a second year heroics student, hero name of Midnight, and a friend of his from primary school. The older teen insisted they call her Nemuri, and wasn't that weird, that it was only halfway through the first day of school, and she was on a first name basis with three different peers.
Nymeria learned of the girl's quirk, Somnambulist, which allowed her to produce and release a gas that caused people to fall asleep. She had an extremely flirty and outgoing personality, but as they ate, she noticed her keep eye watching their surroundings, and the motherly way she made sure that Hizashi ate his food in between dramatic and retellings of past experiences.
When she pulled her Pod out and used it, not even thinking how it might look to outsiders, she actually genuinely gave a small laugh at the other teen's reactions, quickly explaining that it was a school approved support item for her quirk.
Lunch passed quickly, and following was the introduction to their various rotating cast of heroics teachers, one being Nedzu, who would walk into the room, see Nymeria quietly conversing with the two energetic boys, and give a smug smile before sending an update email to Cabe regarding the matter.
The final bell rang for the day and Nymeria exchanged numbers with her two classmates, after they insisted repeatedly, before making her way out of the school and towards the train station.
While listening to music, waiting for the train to arrive, Nymeria admitted to herself that maybe school wouldn't be so bad afterall.

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