Cloudy skies will never be the same

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3rd person but Kenzo's pov:

The villain had come out of nowhere. He should've seen him coming, but he was exhausted and trying to come up with a quick way to free Loud Cloud before Ny's quirk gave out. Before he knew it, Nymeria's quirk cut off and the building crumbled. The next fifteen minutes were a blur to him. Between keeping an eye on Nymeria and tearing up his hands digging in the rubble, he was feeling overwhelmed and it was all he could do to not succumb to his rising panic.

When Nymeria fell apart, crying and screaming and fighting him in a way she had never done before, even in the hell they were raised in, he felt hopeless. She was so out of it she didn't seem to realize she had broken his nose and dislocated one of his shoulders in the struggle. He could see her boyfriend, Aizawa, scrambling to get to her, and was grateful that Cabe had him take her back to U.A.

She wouldn't want him to get hurt by her.

Arriving at the infirmary, Nymeria's panic was ramping up to a point that it was genuinely scaring him. She was barely breathing, and her quirk was starting to flicker around her. Granny Chiyo was startled across the room, and he quickly shouted for her to get Nedzu and the principal before trying to calm Nymeria down.

He wasn't successful, and when she passed out, either from not getting enough oxygen or from exhaustion, he gently laid her down and began to cry in earnest.

Nedzu gently set a hand..paw?.. On his arm and Kenzo looked up, seeing that the principal had run into the room with Nedzu in tow. Chiyo was checking Nymeria over. She was safe, so he turned back to the other two in the room.

"Kenzo, are your injuries needing urgent attention?" He shook his head no at Nedzu's question and the rat nodded. "Okay. Can you tell me what happened?" Kenzo swallowed hard and nodded, collecting himself and accepting the damp rag the principal offered, beginning to wipe his face.

"We were following the same group from earlier. They split. Nymeria and I followed and fought one group while Cabe followed the other. Apparently, the other group picked a fight with some rookies and Cabe called us to come help with evac and containment. When we got there, His Highness was escorting one of Ny's friends.. Uh.. Midnight.. Away because she got concussed pretty bad." He paused to take a few breaths and watched as Chiyo used a portable ultrasound machine to begin looking at Nymeria's chest and stomach.

"Ny's boyfriend, Aizawa, had a nasty cut on his arm but stayed. Ny and I were going to go help with the villain, when the building her other friend, Loud Cloud, was in began to fall due to the villain's quirk. Ny used her quirk to catch and hold up most of the top three floors of rubble while I entered to attempt to evac the kids inside."

Kenzo looked down at his hands and took another few breaths.

"Loud Cloud was pinned, and there was this wall that had collapsed blocking most of the exit, but he used his quirk to float the kids out to me. I got them all out."

Nedzu patted his arm again and hummed when Kenzo paused.

"I was going back in to get him out. Ny's quirk was beyond exhausted so I needed to hurry. I didn't see the villain coming. He tackled Ny and her quirk cut out. We- we dug through the rubble and found Loud Cloud. We found Oboro." New tears began falling down his face and he looked back to Nymeria's still form.

"We found him and Nymeria tried to heal him. But she can't heal what isn't alive." He glanced around as all the adults gave sharp inhales at that. Chiyo pausing a moment and hanging her head. Kenzo took another deep breath before continuing. "Ny freaked. She had a major panic attack and started screaming. Cabe told me to bring her here. He's still at the scene taking care of everything. ... I-" he sighed. "I've never seen her like that before, even with everything we've been through, I've never seen her like that."

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