This mission has the best possible timing.

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Well, it turns out that Nymeria would not have to end up trying to fake being sick to get out of participating in the sports festival after all. The Friday before the week of the festival, she would get called into Nedzu's personal office and walk in to see Cabe already present and waiting for her. A short fifteen minutes later, she would exit the office with the knowledge that the commission was sending her small "team" to investigate a drug smuggling ring halfway across the country, and it was estimated to be a longer mission, spanning about two weeks.
Perfect. Her first mission while she was in U.A., and it was a long one.
As she left the office to meet up with her friends for lunch, she realized that now, because she was actually friends with them, she would need to come up with some excuse for her absence.
Trying to come up with something she could tell them to not raise suspicion, she thought back on the last month of school.
April had passed quickly, classes and training in full swing, and Nymeria only averaged about one day a week where she struggled with her mental health. They had celebrated Katsuki's fourth birthday at the end of the month, and had spent as much time as possible with family.
She had long since adjusted to her friends' loud and energetic personalities, just as they had adjusted to her more reserved and sleepy one. She didn't know what it was with her life and the people in it all having some form of nicknames, but it applied to her friends now too. Oboro, Hizashi, and Nemuri insisted on calling her Ny and on being called Ro, Zashi, and Nem in return.
Kenzo had admitted how glad he was that Shiketzu was a stricter school filled with more rigid students, and that he didn't really have to worry about having close friends he was forced to lie to, as there wasn't anyone he felt that way with.
The last three weeks had led to her discovering that Ro had a similar taste in books as her, Zashi and her were constantly trading music back and forth, and her and Nem grew close after they both realized they had strong maternal instincts.
Of course hers were from being an actual mother for over two years now, but that wasn't something she could explain to them.
But even with how close they had grown, they still only knew the bare minimum about her life. She was careful to give half answers or redirect the conversation subtly to take the attention off herself. She had no idea what to say to them that would justify her not only missing the festival, but an additional week after it.
She supposed she could say something about having a sick family member outside the prefecture that she needed to help out? Maybe if she was vague enough and put some sadness into the delivery, they wouldn't ask too many questions?

That's exactly what she ended up doing once meeting up with her friends for lunch. She stated that she had a cousin that was sick, and an aunt had requested her to stay with them while they were on an important work trip. When her friends expressed concern on how the teachers would feel, and how she was going to earn internship offers, she assured them that she was getting the work she would miss at the end of the day today, and that Nedzu offered to aid in finding her an internship.
The truth that she couldn't tell them, was that since she already had a provisional license and a contract with the commission, even if she had participated in the festival, she would be doing her "Internship" with Cabe anyways.
Her friends were understanding, and way too good for her, and wished her and her cousin well. They reminded her multiple times, loudly too, that they would miss her and that she needed to remember to message their group chat while she was gone.

After school Nymeria skipped the train stop near her house, and took one to the office building located an additional fifteen minutes past her house. While the commission allowed them to use an official building for mission purposes, Cabe preferred to use one that he paid for. He claimed it made him feel better to be in a building where he knew there were no listening ears.
She was the last one to arrive, and sat at a small table with Cabe and Kenzo.
"Alright, we are going to a small area outside of Kagoshima, so we've got about a fourteen hour drive ahead of us. I've got your gear bags packed, so just make sure to grab your other necessities tonight. We will leave in the morning."
Nedzu had agreed when they started school to have David Shield supply a more basic version of their costumes, but they used their full ones when operating as the nameless heroes on behalf of the commission. They were going to slowly incorporate more parts of their full costumes as time went on so that there was no suspicion on why they had such detailed costumes as fresh faced high schoolers.
"The plan is to observe a confirmed warehouse used by AFO's associates. Before we can act, we need to confirm numbers and that the warehouse is being used for a drug smuggling and creating hub, mostly a new drug with the street name trigger."
As Cabe handed them pictures of the area and suspected people he continued.
"Once we have confirmation, we are being instructed to call in for a raid. No other hero support is being supplied, we will have to make due with the three of us and the local police. They also want us hanging around for a few days to be sure no one else shows up to attempt to take advantage of the situation. Once the drugs are secured and officially transported to a secure location, we can return home."
Kenzo scoffed. "So we are doing all the hard work, then pretty much playing security guards on a drug filled warehouse?"
Cabe sighed, pinching the top of his nose and shaking his head. "Yes, Kenzo, if you want to put it that way, that is exactly what we are doing."
Kenzo shrugged and gave a smirk.
Cabe ended the meeting and sent them on their way, reminding them that their car would be at the house to pick them up "Bright and early in the morning so be ready, or else."
Kenzo transported them home, where they updated Ama and uncle. Ama assured them that they would take care of making sure Izuku got to daycare and home, and that they shouldn't worry about anything other than doing their jobs and coming home safe.
After a good dinner and lots of cuddles with Izuku, the two teens packed their bags and got ready for bed.
The next morning at 5:00 am, they said goodbye to the family that was awake, checked on Izuku, and shuffled to the car Cabe was waiting in. The drive was long, and both teens slept for at least seven hours of it. The driver that the commission provided them didn't make many stops, only necessary ones to eat and quick bathroom breaks. By the time they got to the safe house that was four blocks away from their target area, both teens were antsy and needing to physically move around.
Cabe put them through a small workout in the basement of the house before sending them to get changed. An hour after arriving, they were slinking around on rooftops and alleyways, taking advantage of the fact that it was dark to get a feel for the area before returning back to the house to rest.
The next several days were monotonous. Wake up, check the cameras they had placed, note any activity happening during the day, and once it was night, get dressed in a bare minimum of gear to sneak around in. They would then head out to slowly and methodically check and document the building and people in it. Cabe usually hung back a block and used his cameras to monitor and record the situation, while Nymeria and Kenzo took opposite ends of the warehouse, communicating with coms and slowly working their way closer to the middle night by night.
On their fifth night there, the sports festival having happened earlier in the day, they were given the go ahead to set up for a night raid.
And if Nymeria pulled up the group chat and sent out "Good luck" messages that morning, and they all watched the festival while working, well then- the commission doesn't need to know, do they. (Nymeria was proud of her loud boys, but was secretly pleased that the dark haired and eyed student she saw around school- Aizawa- had won, it looked like he deserved it.)
After a very thorough and tedious briefing of the local police, they changed into their full costumes for the raid.
The base of Nymeria's and Kenzo's uniforms were the same. Both wore their black undersuit provided by Cabe. Both had a smart self healing nanotech body suit that went over the top and provided protection on vulnerable and weak spots.
Kenzo then had a few dark blue pieces that went on top, a cowl type hood shadowing his face which was covered with a mask that sat over his mouth and nose. The mask doubled as both a filtration system and a comms unit. He had knives strapped both visibly and not visibly across his body, a tranq gun on his hip, field med pack on his other hip, and a metal staff on his back that had expandable blades on either end. When making the design for it, he was heavily inspired by the old comic book hero Nightwing.
Nymeria's black and dark red suit was inspired by the old comic book heroes Scarlet Witch and Psylocke, and had a mask similar to Kenzo's. Her favorite part was the metal bands that sat anchored to the mask at her ears, curved up, and ended at her temples on either side. With the press of a button on one side, it released nanotech to cover the area of her face that wasn't by the mask, a smart-tech interface on the eye pieces providing thermal vision and access to an AI designed by David Shield to access information requested verbally.
As far as weapons, she had knives and a tranq gun as well, but she preferred carrying a set of twin swords over a bladed staff, as it was easier for her to direct her quirk through the two thin blades, allowing her to condense it and use it with more precision.

Once the three person group was ready, they headed out to the meeting point around the corner of the warehouse. With confirmation to the local chief of police, the raid began.

The raid itself went almost boringly well. Due to their information gathering from the week prior, they had an accurate list of who would be there and most of their quirks. Cabe used his quirk to confirm where people were inside the building, and Kenzo transported them into three predetermined areas within the span of thirty seconds, having a good mental layout of the area due to their research. The three of them worked quickly and efficiently, using weapons, and in Nymeria's case her quirk, to knock out or tie up the seventeen people in the building. After they confirmed everyone was secure, the police were called in to arrest and remove the criminals.
Two hours after the raid had begun, they were back at their safehouse showering off the light sweat they had worked up, and eating a late meal.
Over the next five days, they would rotate out with local heroes on guard duty. Local daylighters would take the guard shift with police while a drug task force documented everything in the giant warehouse, and the team of three would stand guard over the night to be sure no one attempted to break in and steal anything. On their eleventh total day there, and sixth night of guard duty, which they were all officially sick of, they got the standard rundown on how the day had gone from the prior shift.
Kenzo and Nymeria had fist bumped at being told that the documentation was complete, and the transportation would be arriving at 5:00 am, signaling an early end to their mission and allowing them to go home.

So of course, everything went to shit at 3:56 am.

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