Catastrophic Events

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Kenzo teleported them to an actual commission building instead of their little office. As soon as they appeared in the room Nymeria was wrapped in large muscular arms and picked up off the floor as her quirk flared around her.

She knew she was panicking, breaths coming in too-short gasps and vision tunneled. She could hear a constant murmur of someone talking, vaguely feeling the rumble at her back letting her know that whoever was holding her was the one speaking.

Surprisingly, it was her quirk that helped her come out of her panic, snapping back into her and moving in repetitive expanding and shrinking motions, almost resembling taking deep breaths. As she began to breathe, imitating her quirk, she was able to blink the tears from her eyes and focus on the bright blue, yellow, and red covered arms. Sound began to filter in before her ears gave a 'pop', and she could hear everything.

Toshinori held her cradled in his arms, letting out a constant stream of apologies and "That's it, breathe my girl"s.

She tapped his arm twice and he released a sigh, setting her down but keeping a firm hand on her shoulder as she wiped at her face before turning to face the rest of the room. Her eyes scanned over the grim faces of Cabe, Gran, Mirai, Kenzo, and the top commission members, including the president.

She gave a final sniffle of her nose, taking a deep breath and squaring her shoulders before stepping away from All Might- because a glance at his face told her that he was All Might right now, not her Toshi.

"What the hell happened."

Cabe nodded and turned to the wall of monitors behind him, clicking at a keyboard as she walked to Kenzo's side and tightly grabbed his trembling hand with her own.

"We retrieved video footage from the Bakugo residence. It appears that All for One has a warp gate quirk of some kind. The three young boys were playing in the backyard, Mitsuki and Masaru sitting at their patio table watching them a few feet away. Approximately forty minutes ago, this purple mist-like substance began to form without anyone noticing."

As Cabe narrated, Nymeria watched the camera footage like a hawk, noting Izuku stiffening a moment before the others and beginning to turn. Pailing and feeling her heart rate pick up, she watched as her father stepped out of the mist and grabbed Izuku by his arm harshly.

"As you can see, All for One was able to grab Izuku and disappear before anyone had a chance to even move. The elder Bakugos called me immediately and we have them and the boys, as well as your other family, in a safe and heavily guarded location."

The camera changed to a street camera view of the outside of a run down store on the outskirts of the red light district.

"We tracked public cameras until we found this ten minutes after he was taken, and as you can see, All for One is just standing in plain sight with an unconscious Izuku in his arms."

Nymeria's quirk gave a painful jolt at the image.

"He remained there until I was able to get a few cameras on him. The portal opened and he left right after I had established a few around him. I was able to follow him through the portal with the cameras, and therefore able to discover the location he arrived at that we still believe he is still at now."

Cabe's cameras caught All for One smiling before turning to enter a run down building surrounded by trees and a few half decayed looking buildings. Nymeria didn't recognise the area, and her heart and quirk both gave painful squeezes when her father disappeared in the building with her son, some invisible barrier preventing Cabe's cameras from following.

"I used one camera to travel around and determine the location. They are on the abandoned Island Oshima, Still technically in Japan, but a ways off the mainland. Something is blocking my cameras from entering the building, but with how clearly he was waiting on my cameras, I think he wanted us to know where he is, so I don't think he will leave."

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