It all comes crumbling down

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The first week and a half of work studies goes well. There are no issues, no injuries, no problems. Every day those that are participating head to the school to check in before going to their respective agencies to go on patrols or work with different heroes. On the days where they aren't needed, they remain at school and go about the day normally. Her friend's all had similar schedules of being at school all day on Mondays through Thursdays, attending their internships on Fridays and through the weekends.

Nymeria was only at the school for the full day on Mondays and Wednesdays, Cabe and the commission taking advantage of the loose structure to have her and Kenzo both working hard at tracking a group of criminals affiliated with AFO in the hopes of gaining information on what the man was up to. So far they had only watched as they performed small robbery and vandalism crimes, but there was talk overheard from the group that they would be acting on their bosses orders soon, so they were on high alert.

As Nymeria left the school accompanied by her friends on Thursday evening she stuck close to Sho, holding his hand tightly and biting at her lip. He eventually tugged her to a stop a ways away from their friends while they waited to cross an intersection.

"Everything okay Ny? You've been a bit off all day." She looked into his worried eyes and gave a small smile. "Yah.. I've just been thinking about this group I've been tracking during work studies. They are gearing up for something big, and I've got a bad feeling about it." He squeezed her hand before pulling her into a gentle hug. "Hey, whatever it is I'm sure you've got it, yeah?.. Just stay safe."

She released a breath and smiled as she pulled back slightly, going up on her toes slightly to place a light kiss on his lips before breaking off at the cat calls her other friends gave. Face dusted pink, she turned and shot them a middle finger as they chuckled.

At least Zashi didn't scream and almost burst everyone's ear drums like he did when they first kissed around them last week.

Nymeria said her goodbyes, sneaking another hug and kiss from her boyfriend before going home. After a quiet dinner consisting of her aunt, uncle, Kenzo, Cabe, and Izuku, everyone in the house got ready for bed. It was clear that Nymeria wasn't the only one feeling a general shift in the air causing uneasiness.

The next morning the feeling remained, causing the household to hold less chaos while everyone got ready with less talking and more casual brushing against each other. Izuku was clearly picking up on the mood in the house, and had latched onto Nymeria when she quietly woke him up and was stubbornly refusing to let her go. Cabe ended up making the call for Kenzo to teleport him and Nymeria to his preschool for the day due to the tears in his eyes and quivering bottom lip when they brought up Ama needing to take him soon.

Kenzo teleported them around the corner from his building, and followed Nymeria as she carried the boy into the building. Inside, they ran into Suki dropping Katsuki off, and Nymeria mouthed a "Later" at the woman's questioning gaze. It took about five minutes of coaxing the boy for him to look up from where he had buried his head in Nymeria's shoulder. It took another five to get him to release the surprisingly strong grip he had on her to be able to set him down. Katsuki watched this all with calculating red eyes, and as soon as he was on the floor, the blonde darted forward and grabbed Izuku's hand.

"Come on nerd, Your Ma and Uncle-Dad gotta go be heroes. They are strong as hell, they've got it." Izuku gave a sniffle before nodding, accepting hugs and kisses on his head from both teens before allowing Katsuki to drag him down the hall to their classroom.

They gave goodbye waves to Mitsuki before Kenzo teleported them to U.A., choosing to drop them in Nedzu's personal office instead of at the front gates seeing as they were running a bit late and didn't want anyone seeing them. Nedzu jumped slightly, turning in his chair at their arrival. "Ah, my apologies. You startled me. I seem to be a bit on edge today." He eyed their white knuckled grip they had on each other's hands and smoothed down some of the fur on his head.

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