Who jinxed us? I just wanna talk, I swear.

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Nymeria would really like to know what God thought, that throwing like- twenty beefed up, muscle head, idiots at her during the last few hours of this mission, was a good idea.
When she found out, they were having words.
They had two hours. Two hours! Until the transportation team came to retrieve the documented drugs. Everything was even all packed up nicely for them, sitting against a back wall and ready to be loaded up. Then, Nymeria, Kenzo, and Cabe could all make the fourteen hour journey home, four days early.
But nooo. Instead of keeping watch over a quiet, empty warehouse, she was fighting for her life in a one on seven fight. Well- fighting for her life was dramatic. The guys she was fighting weren't that good, they just didn't know when to stay the hell down.
Ducking under a fist the size of her head, she twisted the knife in her hand to slice the underside of one guy's arm, turning immediately to block the foot headed towards her back, and using her quirk to launch that guy across the room.
Letting out a sigh and glancing at Cabe and Kenzo, she saw them in similar situations. Cabe was throwing his fists into bodies faster than a man his age should be able to, and Kenzo was flashing himself around his opponents, stealing moments to give a good whack with his staff here and there.
The guys they were fighting must all be the same breed of stupid, because Kenzo wasn't even trying to hide the pattern he was teleporting in. Ducking under a shelf that was thrown at her, she called out.
"Aye- You're getting lazy with your patterns there Zo!"
He gave a growl while using one downed guy as a launch pad towards another, kicking that one in the chest so he stumbled into a third.
"Oh and like you aren't being lazy with your quirk?"
Before she could give a reply, they heard Cabe let out a deep breath.
"How about you Both stop being lazy, and shut up and fight." They gave vague sounds of agreement before returning to the idiots that still wouldn't stay down. Before Nymeria could make a sarcastic comment regarding this, she heard an electric whirring noise, followed by a soft chime. Looking toward the source, she saw a short thin man standing at the back wall of the warehouse. Right where the packaged evidence was. And he was standing next to what was very clearly an explosive device.
With one minute displayed on a countdown timer.
As she shouted she let a surge of her quirk knock the guys away from her and began sprinting towards the thin man. Cabe, who was furthest from the bomb, began cursing as he wasn't able to get through the men surrounding him.
The clock was at forty five seconds when the men they had previously been fighting began fleeing the building. Cabe began running towards the bomb as well, and Nymeria was about ten feet away when Kenzo teleported behind the man and moved to strike him with his staff.
The clock was at forty seconds, Cabe still about fifteen feet behind Nymeria, and Nymeria seven feet away, when the unknown man ducked under Kenzo's swing, and using a surprising amount of speed, lunged up towards Kenzo.
The clock was down to thirty eight seconds, Nymeria five feet away, when she saw the man's hand glow a bright green. As she watched that green hand appear to harden. As she watched that hardened hand pierce through Kenzo's protective suit and straight into his stomach.
Nymeria let out a loud panicked scream, her quirk becoming a frantic frenzy inside her, and continued running the remaining four feet to a collapsed Kenzo, only paying enough attention to the man to know he was sprinting towards a side door, Cabe following him. The clock was at twenty five seconds by the time she slid the few remaining feet on her knees, immediately assessing Kenzo and applying pressure to the wound on his stomach that was letting a steady stream of his blood out onto the floor.
Some small part of her was aware that the man had beat Cabe out the door and had disappeared, and that Cabe was sprinting back to her, saying something about needing to get out. But the majority of her focus was on trying to stop the bleeding.
Kenzo gave a low groan when she increased the pressure and his eyes trailed over her shoulder. She hissed wordlessly when he tried to sit up, pushing him back down and gritting her teeth, trying and failing to regulate her breathing and keep her quirk tucked into her body.
"N-no N-Ny. We gotta leave. Time-timers alm-most out." Cabe slid to a stop next to her as Kenzo stuttered out his warning. "We don't have time for that- We won't make it out of here unless you transport us, and I don't think you can." As Cabe spoke he shoved Nymeria to the side, ignoring her hoarsely screamed protests and flaring quirk as he took over applying pressure.
"Nymeria, remember how we theorized that you could layer your quirk to protect against a shockwave or flame quirk? Well we are about to find out if you can. Layer- NOW!"
Nymeria didn't have to think or give any type of instruction before her quirk burst out of her at Cabe's command, condensing thicker than she's ever managed to before and rapidly surrounding the three of them in a dome like structure. She had about two seconds, standing hunched above Cabe and Kenzo, to stare in awe at the white wisp like streaks in the otherwise pitch black formation, before they heard a loud pop followed by a roaring sound around them.
Nymeria cried out and staggered when she felt her quirk strain under what must be the explosive going off, the loud noise making her immediately hear ringing, and vision going blurry.
For a solid minute Nymeria held up her quirk, feeling what she assumed was rubble and debris crashing off the protective dome she had formed, the heat from the explosion pushing through and making the three occupants begin to sweat.
When she didn't feel anymore impacts, she slowly lessened the amount of her quirk until she dropped it completely, blinking dazedly at what used to be the warehouse. Rubble surrounded them in a semi-circle, the only wall still standing being the one furthest from them and only partially at that. Looking behind herself, she saw the evidence, the wall they were against, and about seventeen feet of the trees behind it were gone- only a smoking blackened landscape remaining.
She was brought out of her dazed staring when her ears gave a painful pop, sound trickling back into her still damaged, but beginning to heal ears.
She stumbled and swayed the few steps to Cabe's side, breaths coming in short rasping bursts that sent pain shooting up through her chest. Dropping to her knees, she looked the two men over. Cabe was still applying pressure, but was looking around the area with wide eyes, a small trail of blood leaving his ears cluing her in that her ears weren't the only ones damaged. When her eyes dropped to Kenzo, she immediately shoved Cabe harshly to the side as her already exhausted quirk flared out and condensed on his injury, her hands stumbling to his pulse point, trembling as she picked up the faint-but-there pulse. He was just unconscious, thank the Gods.
She could faintly hear Cabe saying something as he shook her shoulder, but her ears weren't healed enough to make out words. While keeping her eyes on her quirk writhing around Kenzo's injury, she shoved one hand in his direction and finger spelled, "H-E-A-L-I-N-G H-I-M"
Before Cabe could try to protest, she closed her eyes and pushed her already exhausted, but clearly willing to try-quirk into converting her energy into reversing, healing, fixing.

She lost consciousness before she could check to see if she was successful.

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