No, Kenzo- I'm NOT looking for a boyfriend

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Nymeria was the last one to arrive home, and she instantly hated that the train ride allowed everyone else to arrive before her. Nedzu, like the rat that he was, must've sent Cabe an email detailing how her day went and who she had made friends with. How he knew that she had made tentative friends with Nemuri, she didn't know or want to know.
The fact of the matter was that he knew. Because he knew, Cabe knew. And apparently, Cabe felt the need to ensure that everyone else in the house knew too.
So walking into the front room, she was bombarded by her Ama and Uncle glomping onto her and asking all about her first day and new friends.
Of course, they waited for her to let them know that no, she wasn't feeling particularly triggered or touch adversive or overwhelmed first, because they cared.
Them bombarding her must've been the go-ahead signal everyone else needed to also bombard her. She was a little surprised to see Gran and Mirai sitting in the front room too, although the both of them kept their distance and just gave greetings and smug smiles. She could see Cabe in the kitchen, leaning against the counter and smirking into a mug.
She shot him a glare and had just opened her mouth to tell him to keep his shut, when she felt knuckles gently rap against her back, a common way her family used to let her and Zo know they were there. She found herself getting picked up and engulfed into big, warm, muscular arms before she could turn around.
"Nymeria, my girl! I heard that your first day went well! I'm so proud of you!"
She smiled and twisted in the arms that were still holding her off the ground.
"Toshi!! You're back from America!!" She smiled at Toshi before twisting further to give him a hug. She had missed the man lately, as he's been spending a lot of time in America frequently. Even when he was back in Japan, he was usually too busy being the number one hero to be able to spend much time with them.
He wouldn't admit it, but Nymeria knew that he was desperately searching for All for One in the hopes of taking him down on his own, so that the commission couldn't force her and Zo into the fight. Him not taking enough breaks and pushing himself to his limits was a frequent cause of bickering between him and Mirai. Gran also frequently made his displeasure known about the fact that he had not allowed himself to properly grieve for his mentor's death, which had just occurred less than a year before Ny and Zo were found.
"Well of course, I wouldn't miss such a huge milestone in both yours and Kenzo's life!" He gave her the smile she preferred to see, one that was purely Toshinori, not All Might. Setting her down, he continued. "So! Tell us all about your day! Who are your new friends?"
Before she could say anything, Kenzo teleported himself behind her, immediately wrapping his arms around her waist and setting his chin on the top of her head.
"Yeah NyNy. Tell us which one of those boys you befriended we will be giving the shovel talk to once you start dating!" Nymeria growled and threw her elbow back into Kenzo's ribs. Not hard enough to make him back away or let go though, as her quirk had immediately settled from its slightly agitated state the second he had appeared.
"Shut it Zo. I'm not looking for a boyfriend." She heard him snicker and could just sense that whatever was about to come out of his mouth next was going to be complete bullshit, so she cut him off before he could speak,
"Or a girlfriend. They are barely my friends. It's going to be kinda hard to get close with people when I'm constantly lying through omission, or just straight up lying, about a majority of my life." She felt, more than saw, the mood in the room drop at the reminder of how restricted her and Zo really were, and felt a pang of regret. Sighing, she thought of what she could say to improve the mood again. She gave a smirk when she thought of something that she knew would distract her family.
"Besides, I'm like ninety percent sure that Oboro is Aromantic and that Hizashi and Nemuri are both raging bisexuals who have a thing for each other but either haven't figured it out or have not acknowledged it yet."
There was a moment of silence before Cabe gave a bark of laughter and made his way to the living room doorway. "You figured out all that from one day of knowing them?" She shook her head. "No, I figured that out during thirty minutes of lunch with them."
At her response, everyone started laughing, including Mirai and Gran. She caught a glimpse of movement from the doorway leading to the stairs, and smiled as a nap-ruffled Izuku entered the room. She quickly crossed the room as everyone else settled back down, and scooped him up.
"Hey love bug, did we wake you up with all this noise?'
He shook his head, dark curls swaying with the movement. "No, I just woke up Mama." She smiled and pressed a kiss to his head, turning to sit on a couch, pulling Izuku close to her chest as they got settled.
The family sat around catching up and talking about work and school for another hour or so, Kenzo also being teased for making a few friends of his own. While Mirai and Cabe cooked dinner the rest of them continued to sit around and chat about mundane things. Nymeria held Izuku close to her chest the entire time, leaning heavily into Kenzo's side and soaking in the physical touch of two of her favorite people.
And if both Nymeria and Kenzo almost tackled Ama in a hug after dinner was done because she handed them appointment cards for the next evening after school to get piercings of their choice, "within reason" she reminded them, well, then it was a great reward for having the courage to take such a huge step forward in their lives.

When the following evening rolled around, after another successful day of school, Nymeria and Kenzo were smiling one of their biggest smiles yet as they walked out of the tattoo and piercing parlor, Ama and Cabe trailing behind them. Kenzo had decided on a piercing on each earlobe, one nose stud, and a bar going through his right eyebrow. All four resembled an oil slick in color, shifting from dark blue to purple to green depending on the angle and lighting. He claimed it complemented his hair and Nymeria agreed with a dramatic eye roll.
Nymeria had gone with a few more with the confidence that they would be fully healed before she arrived at home. She ended up getting standard doubles in each ear lobe, plus one cartilage for each ear, a nose stud on each side, and septum piercing.
Her aunt had cackled at her decision for so many, and she thought Cabe was going to blow a fuse before she explained that she wanted to be even on each side, that it made her feel less anxious. It also helped that Ama had reminded the man of one of the strictest rules in their household. The ability to fully express oneself and be accepted for who they were as a whole.
Her aunt was very firm in this rule, partially because her aunt was a genuinely good and accepting person, partially due to her upbringing. She embodied the rule every day with her multitude of tattoos and piercings. Nymeria and Kenzo fully planned on following her lead and getting on her level for both things as soon as possible.
Cabe eventually settled down on the topic when he saw the happy tears in Nymeria's eyes as she took in the simple black and silver bars, hoops, and studs now piercing her skin.
He did make her and Kenzo sit in silence and concentration for two hours while Nymeria forced her quirk into slowly speeding up Kenzo's healing though.
That felt like some form of retribution for "Causing more gray hairs", no matter how happy they were when she was finally successful.
The following day at school, her third one attending now, she got more joy out of her piercings seeing not only Nedzu's pleased grin, but the shocked looks and reactions of her new friends.
She also got amusement from the slightly-shocked look from the same dark haired, dark eyed boy she had followed through the crowd on the first day of school. She saw him every day when changing shoes or passing in the halls, but they both seemed to have similar quiet and withdrawn personalities, so she didn't bother taking her headphones out and attempting to speak to him. Besides, gaining three new friends the first week of school was plenty for her. Especially when those three friend's had such loud and outgoing personalities- the complete opposite of her own.
The first week of school ended on a good note, Nymeria promising to text her friends over the weekend in the group chat Hizashi had created. Classes had gone well, even if the week of quirkless sparring in heroics was mind numbingly boring compared to the training she was accustomed to.
She understood why they were focusing on quirkless combat, knowing that her peers were nowhere near her level in experience, nor should they be at their ages. It wasn't like she could go all out either. She was trying to blend in, so she was not about to show how proficient she was in any area of schooling, especially combat and quirk training and usage. That meant she started using the time going through the repetitive motions lost in her own thoughts of what her training after school might entail.
For the last three months, Cabe had really been pushing the healing and communicating mentally with others aspects of her quirk, and had been focusing hard on Kenzo's accuracy and speed when teleporting to lesser known locations and coordinates. The results they were beginning to see was making the exhaustion and quirk drawbacks worth it though.

The Sunday before the start of their second week of school was spent tucked into Kenzo's room just enjoying their close proximity and no responsibilities, seeing as Izuku was having a slumber party at the Bakugo's, and everyone else was either at work or busy going about their lives when not at their house. It was the perfect end to the hectic and chaotic week they had. The quiet dinner between Ama, Uncle, Kenzo, and her allowed her to decompress more, and she walked into school the next morning feeling recharged and content.
That feeling lasted until Nedzu announced during homeroom that for the next three weeks, their heroics class would be spent preparing for the annual sports festival. While the class cheered around her, Nymeria thunked her head onto her table and cussed quietly in the Spanish she had picked up a year prior.
Competing with unknown people, with unknown quirks, in a live televised arena filled with hundreds of loud, unknown people sounded like exactly the type of situation her therapist would recommend she avoid for the foreseeable future.

Maybe she could fake being sick to get out of it?

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