Time passes and a raid occurs

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Time following the passing of one of her best friends is a quick thing. The first few months after the funeral consist of a lot of grief, anger, tears, and figuring out where everyone stands now. During that time, Nymeria and Kenzo both had days where they regressed to non-verbal communications and jumpy dispositions. Their family, friends, and therapists helped them discover their new normal.

Zashi and Nem both threw themselves into solidifying their hero personas, Zashi amping up his loud and boisterous personality and Nem leaning hard into a more.. Sexualized.. Version. In fact, the commission had to make new rules in concern to her costume and how much skin was too much skin. They were both getting to a point where they were almost two different people when outside of their hero-selves.

Tensei threw himself into heroics too, but it presented in a way that he was taking on an even more hands-on approach at his family's agency. Between that and him helping to raise his kid brother, he wasn't seen outside of school often.

Shota remained steadfast, consistently there if not more reserved. His smiles and soft laughter came less, and it was obvious he was struggling with his insomnia. He slowly began to think and act on situations using a more logic-oriented approach, keeping emotions out of everything when he could.

This new way of being had caused quite a few heated arguments between the friend group, as Zashi and Nem thought it was harmful. Nymeria typically stayed out of it, as he remained near soft with her, showing emotions and opening up in ways he often didn't with the others.

Soon enough Nem graduated, sporting a official hero license and signing on as a sidekick to a small twilight agency. Nymeria, Sho, Zashi, and Tensei all moved onto their third year together. Sho had, at some point, found himself in a one sided rivalry with one of Tensei's classmates in 3-B, Sekijiro Kan, or Vlad King as he insisted to be called by his hero name. Nymeria found it interesting that the white haired teen had singled out Shota of all people to start a rivalry with, but Sho clearly couldn't care less so she remained neutral in the matter.

Their third year was going well so far, the school reduced the amount of academics so they could focus on the heroics side, and most third year students in the heroics program were only in the school two days a week. Nymeria found herself swamped with cases for the commission, ranging from typical drug busts and investigative work having nothing to do with AFO, to working long-haul cases that were directly linked to him.

Izuku officially didn't get a quirk after his fifth birthday, causing a shift in their lives as the small boy lost some of his spark and seemed restless and sad. Katsuki had actually approached Nymeria one night a few months after, informing her that the students in their school were beginning to bully and torment the boy, teachers doing nothing to stop it. Nymeria was furious, and skipped going to school on one of her check in days to instead storm to Izuku's with a furious Kenzo in tow. An hour later, after getting the Bakugo's and her aunt and uncle involved, they walked out with the two children and spent an entire lunch meal researching a new school for them. They ended up enrolling them in a smaller school nearby, Nedzu promising to aid in keeping an eye on the school to insure that nothing got out of hand.

When Nymeria and Kenzo began their third year, Izuku had confessed to still wanting to be a hero, even though he was quirkless. The following week, both Izuku and Katsuki were enrolled in a Jr. gymnastics class, the entire family taking turns taking the boys.

Izuku had perked right up after that, returning to his usual happy and energetic personality and beginning to write out analysis in a spare notebook that had Nedzu cackling when he read it following a dinner he had attended.

Nymeria had paled and warned him off from teaching Izuku anything until he was at least fifteen.

Katsuki was doing well too, the medicine he was on to help regulate his quirk side effects was working well, and while he was still gruff, it was in the same sense as his mom- not excessively so. Although, allowing Kenzo to spend any time alone with the two children was proving to be interesting, as both boys were developing quite the feral side. Or as Cabe stated, Kenzo was turning them into little shits.

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