A family Grows

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"Nymeria, No"

"Nymeria, Yes"

Kenzo sighed and buried his face in his hands at her response to his protests. Nymeria just continued to hold the sleeping six year old child as she rocked slightly on the hospital bed.

They had been at the hospital now for three hours, all of the children found during the raid had been evaluated and cleared, and all but one's families had been researched and cleared to come get the previously abducted children. Nymeria was glad that they had all come from loving homes, parents and families rushing to come see them and take them home.

There had been many, many tears shed around the hospital in the last hour.

Nymeria had remained in the room she was directed to when she had arrived the entire time though. The small purple haired boy who had latched onto her had been discovered to be named Hitoshi Shinso, and the foster home he had been placed into three months ago never even reported him missing when he was taken two weeks ago.

Apparently, after his loving father had passed away due to cancer, his mother had given him up, citing something about not wanting to have to deal with his "Villainous quirk". The foster home felt similarly to her on some level, and had the audacity to muzzle the poor child during his short stay there.

Nymeria thought they should consider themselves lucky that they got to deal with her detective cousin now, and not her herself. When the almost-six year old had settled enough to quietly tell his story to Nymeria, Nao, and the nurses, it was only the death grip he had had on her that prevented her from storming out and finding the assholes responsible.

That was over two hours ago now though, and the boy had quickly fallen asleep in her arms shortly afterwards, so she had remained in his assigned room and continued to hold him. She also might've snagged a nurse when no one was paying attention and requested she bring her a large stack of papers and a police officer that wasn't her family.

Kenzo gave another sigh and looked up at her again. "Nymeria, I know that look on your face, you can't just take a random child home. He's got to go to a foster home here soon."

Nymeria pursed her lips and glanced at the clock behind Kenzo, smiling when she saw the time and realizing the paperwork should have gone through seventeen minutes prior.

"Oh don't worry, he's going to a foster home tonight."

Kenzo nodded and gave a small smile, opening his mouth to respond before Nymeria interrupted him.
"In fact, He's clear to go now. Are we done here? Can we go home?"

Kenzo furrowed his brows and glanced from the exhausted boy and back to her.

"You'll have to lay him down. And I'm surprised you're not waiting here to meet his new foster family, put a little fear into them with your quirk or somethin, ya know?"

Nymeria felt a smile slowly spread across her face as she maintained eye contact with Kenzo, watching as his face slowly grew more confused.

"Oh no silly, I used my shiny new emergency foster license, he's coming home with us tonight!"

Kenzo slapped a hand to his face and dragged it downwards as he let out a strangled groan.

"Nymeria. Your emergency foster license is for temporary situations. Like, five nights max. And with you just gaining custody of Izuku, I don't think the commission is gonna let you trying to get custody of another kid fly."

Nymeria let an amused huff out as she rolled her eyes, shifting the boy to be more comfortable on her lap and running a gentle hand over his cheek.

"I know. I just needed to buy some time."

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