New Friends and New Lies

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When Nymeria woke up her entire body was stiff and throbbing with pain. She was glad she had the foresight to shower again before bed, as the quick one she took before leaving the hospital hadn't done much, and she was able to convince Kenzo to detangle her curls for her before falling asleep the night before.

As she slowly got ready for the day, she took note of the bruises already beginning to yellow that covered her body, and was pleased to see none showed outside of her bodysuit. Grabbing a wide toothed comb and her hair ties, she left her room and helped Izuku get ready for his day. Once he was dressed and ready, she carefully picked him up and headed to the stairs.

Once downstairs, she followed the sound of her Aunt's voice and found her in the kitchen sipping at a steaming mug. Seeing as someone in her family, probably her uncle, had cooked breakfast for Izuku, she set the energetic toddler at his chair and prompted him to eat. She grabbed herself a mug of coffee and extended the comb and ties to her aunt.

"Pull my hair up for me please? I could do it, but honestly I'm too stiff and don't wanna."

Her aunt snorted and motioned for her to sit, standing to go around her and gently combing her hair back into it's usual low bun, pinning her curtain bangs back for her so she wouldn't have to later. She made a disapproving sound when she noticed the dark circles under her eyes, and Nymeria shrugged in a 'what can you do' motion.

As Nymeria finished up her coffee and helped Izuku clear his place at the table, Kenzo stumbled into the room, trying to put on his school uniform jacket and pull his hair back into the low pony it usually rested in at the same time.

"Why didn't you wake me up?!"

She raised an eyebrow sharing a glance with her aunt and turning to fill one of her larger to-go mugs with coffee.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I would need to make sure you were up like I do with Izuku. You know, my actual three-year-old son." She turned to watch him scramble around the kitchen before continuing. "Gods Kenzo, you turn sixteen in three days, didn't know you needed someone to get you up for school."

While her words were teasing, she said them in a tone that portrayed her concern. Kenzo was normally a great morning person when he wasn't having a regression day or had a bad night. Considering that she woke up in her bed alone, she figured he slept okay, and he was still using verbal communication, so she wasn't sure what was going on.

Kenzo sighed and stopped filling his travel mug with coffee, stepping over to gently thunk his head onto her shoulder and wrap loose arms around her waist.

"I'm fine. I just spaced on setting an alarm last night. And don't know how I feel about you going to school alone when you can't rely on your quirk to protect you if things go wrong."

As he spoke, she brought a hand up and rubbed slow gentle circles on his back, making eye contact with Cabe who entered the kitchen and leaned against the doorway. "I'll be fine Zo. It's only a thirty minute trip. I'll text you the whole time, and I won't listen to music so I can pay extra attention to my surroundings, hmm?"

Before Kenzo could reply, Cabe spoke up. "Or, just this once, you can teleport Nymeria to and from school. Drop her off and pick her up outside the gates. You will need to get to your own school right after though, but I also agree that I don't like the idea of her being vulnerable on the train." He scratched at his stubble and sighed before continuing. "I would take her myself, but I've got a verbal debriefing with the president of the commission in twenty minutes, and your uncle already left for work or he could."

"I've got to leave for my shift at the hospital in.. uh...Now." she glanced at her aunt when she spoke, watching as she grabbed her keys and purse, slinging Izuku's daycare bag over her shoulder and calling out for the toddler. "I'll drop Izu off at daycare today. The Bakugo's had some sort of disaster at their clothing supplier that required both of them there to handle, and asked me to pick Katsuki up from their neighbors on the way."

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