Enter: Hero- Mighty Bug

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Honestly, going back to school after a week of increased sleep and family time was going to suck. Even before school had started, the preparation and general chaos had meant that Nymeria didn't get as much time to just be with her family as they had when she was first rescued.

Being able to spend the last week at home, helping out around the house and actually having the time and energy to play with Izuku and occasionally Katsuki made her realize just how much she missed it.

Sure, doing the paperwork every day sucked, but between her and Kenzo devoting the time everyone was at work and the kids were at daycare to getting through it made it so they had actually completed it all the last day of internships.

They were both feeling better physically too, Cabe allowing them to amp up the amount of physical activity they were allowed to do, and Nymeria had slowly started working with her quirk.

So far, she hasn't noticed too much of a change in her quirk. She maybe had a bit more control, and she was definitely noticing the urges to fuel up more often. Cabe guessed she had another week or so until she was back in full functioning order, and that they would probably see any bigger changes once she was fully recovered.

Nymeria startles at her phone buzzing on the counter, pulling her out of her thoughts on her quirk. Setting down the knife she was using to chop vegetables for dinner, she wiped her hands on a towel and unlocked her phone. Of course it was the group chat she had with her friends. Again.

They had been messaging nonstop since leaving for internships last Saturday, sending updates, memes, and participating in random conversations. Scrolling to the top of the most recent chats, she leaned against the counter and began to read.


Loud Cockatoo: UGH! Anyone else super bummed today's the last day of internships?!

Weather Man: DUDE!! YES! I'm having a blast and don't wanna go back to school!

Weather Man: Plus, this 1-B student I'm interning with is a total riot! He's a legacy kid, but he totally belongs in the Chaos Crew too! I invited him to sit with us at lunch when we return to school on Monday!

Knockout: Awe! Look at you little first years having fun and making friends at your little first year internships. So adorable, really gets me going!

Loud Cockatoo: Wow Nem, really embracing the R-Rated persona full time now huh?

Knockout: Nah. That requires more energy than I want to give, I'm just using you guys as a practice board for some one liners.

Loud Cockatoo: You can practice on me whenever you want! :)

Weather Man: Get a room!

Weather Man: Changing the subject- Sho! I see you lurking buddy! Come on, Respond for once!

Depresso Espresso: No.

Loud Cockatoo: HE LIVES!!!

Knockout: Now we just gotta get Nymeria to answer and confirm that she is, in fact, alive.

Weather Man: Ny!

Loud Cockatoo: Hey Nyyyyy!

Weather Man: Ny!

Weather Man: Ny!

Weather Man: Ny!

Knockout: Ny hunny, it's your daily obligated check in!

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