One step forwards, two steps back.

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Kenzo and Nymeria have come a long way since being rescued two years ago, especially where it comes to their mental health. They still have rough days or weeks, but they function, they talk about it in therapy, with each other, and their family. They ride the rough seas until the brief storms wash out, and then they enjoy the sunny skies and rainbows that are left over until the next storm takes them by surprise.
One of the ways they seem to be able to shorten these sudden storms is by clinging to each other. Sometimes it's Nymeria who wakes up and knows that every sudden movement and unexpected noise are going to send her jumping and flinching, quirk flaring out around her, and teeth bared defensively.
Other times, it's Kenzo, who loses his carefree attitude and becomes quiet and withdrawn, avoiding all touch but Nymerias, and switching to either non-verbal communication, or chooses a language not spoken by anyone in the house but the two of them.
And there's the times where they both regress a little together, and it's a mixed combination of signs that is unmistakably them being off.
In any case, their loved ones can usually see the signs of these occurrences, see the way they scan the room more frequently, see the way they are constantly touching and tracking each other-watching each other's backs for danger. There are usually no trips out of the house during these instances, to avoid the almost-feral way the two will protect each other and their people from potential danger.
One instance which led to the entire family being banned from a clothing boutique across town was the indicator that outside stimuli should be avoided when they were that triggered. Especially when Izuku was involved, as they both went especially feral-like when they felt he was in danger or threatened.
That's why it is no surprise to anyone, including Nymeria and Kenzo, when the day before they are set to go to public school they both start to withdraw and cling. It will be the first time since they met really, that they will be in a situation where one will not be able to have immediate access to the other. That, and they are both going into an unknown situation with unknown people and they don't have their support systems with them.
Nymeria's excitement at being able to go to school rapidly transitioned to apprehension and anxiety. Which is why she finds herself slipping quietly into Kenzo's room after putting Izuku to bed the night before the first day of school. After checking and double-checking that the house was secured and all her loved ones were safe and in bed.
One of the easiest ways they soothed their fears and anxieties was crashing in each other's bedrooms. Having the assurance when waking up from nightmares and having each other right there was effective in aiding in calming down and grounding themselves.
They didn't speak a word to each other when getting into bed, just silently shuffled around until they were laying on their sides facing each other, Kenzo wrapping his arm around Nymeria's shoulder and playing with one of her long curls, Nymeria wrapping her arm around his waist and gripping the back of his shirt. Both avoiding touching scars and brand-like tattoos that would cause painful memories to flash through their minds.
The room was silent except for their measured breathing, until a soft "NyNy?" was heard. Nymeria tilted her head up slightly to meet Kenzo's golden eyes, giving a soft hum in response.
"Promise me you'll text throughout the day? Just checking in and letting me know you're alright?" She gave a soft smile. "Yah. You too?" Kenzo nodded and released a breath, closing his eyes.
Nymeria waited until his breathing evened out to his sleeping rhythm before allowing herself to fall asleep too.
The next morning was as chaotic as every other morning in their household was, with the only difference being Nymeria and Kenzo being extra clingy to each other. Nymeria still rushed to get Izuku up and ready for daycare, the toddler chatting away about how excited he was to hear about their first days of actual hero schools.
Ama and Uncle both arranged to be off work in time for the teens to get home from school, so they took earlier shifts at work and were running late. Again. The Bakugos weren't there yet, but would probably be barging in any moment now. And Cabe had stayed over in the guest room the night before to make sure the teens ate a good breakfast before their first day.
Everyone was so busy rushing to get ready they weren't paying as close attention to the things they said around the youngest ears in the household. This was proven when Kenzo turned too fast in response to Cabe entering the room, and his eggs slid right off of his plate and onto the floor, resulting in the teen letting out a very loud and clear "SHIT!".
A word that the three year old currently sitting in his chair at the table and eating his own eggs promptly repeated. Loudly.
The room went silent instantly and heads snapped to look at Izuku, who smiled at the attention and took another bite of eggs before speaking again. "Uncle-dad said a funny word." A bright laugh, then "Shit!!" Nymeria quickly spoke up at the repeat of the word.
"Yeah Love bug, but the word that your uncle-dad said was a big kid word okay? You can't say it, yeah?" Izuku paused in taking another bite before replying, "Like the big kid word Grampa Cabe said yesterday? Ass?"
Cabe choked on the bite of toast he had just taken as Nymeria shot a glare at him. "Yeah hun, don't say that big kid word either." "Okay mama, I won't!"
And with that, Izuku went back to his breakfast happily, bouncing in his seat a bit. The kitchen remained silent for another moment before a smothered laugh could be heard from Ama. Nymeria looked over at her aunt as she began to laugh for real, quickly joined in by Kenzo and her uncle.
Looking over to Cabe, she could see him hiding his quiet chuckles behind his mug of coffee, and she let out a huff, trying to hold her own laughter in as Izuku joined in laughing.
He didn't know why everyone was laughing, but was glad his family didn't look as stressed anymore.
"I-it's not funny. Stop laughing! Gods, I'm probably going to get a call from his daycare saying he's using 'concerning language' now." Nymeria huffed, rolling her eyes and turning away to hide her grin. Her Ama chuckled at her before replying, "Nah, I think Katsuki will be the first of the two to start that, remember who his mother is."
Nymeria hummed at that and nodded, taking a long drink of her coffee before cleaning Izuku up when she heard the previously mentioned woman enter their home. Within ten minutes of Suki entering with Katsuki on her hip and complaining how everyone wasn't ready yet, everyone was leaving the house and either getting in their cars for work, or getting ready to walk and teleport to school in Nymeria's and Kenzo's case. Hugs and assurances were shared to the teenagers, Ama giving last minute reminders for Kenzo to "stick with speaking the appropriate language", and for Nymeria to "remember to use your pod throughout the day so you don't strain your quirk," and a reminder to both teens to "Learn lots, but have fun, and to actually try to make friends at school!" That last reminder was echoed by all of the adults, with extra reminding coming from Cabe of all people. Nymeria and Kenzo both promised to leave with at least one friend made by the end of the day.
The teens gave each other an extra long hug, Kenzo placing a gentle kiss on the top of his pseudo sister's head before teleporting away before he could stall anymore.
Nymeria set off on her five minute walk to the station to catch the train that she would ride for twenty minutes before getting off and walking another five minutes to the school. She had rode the route twice the week prior with Kenzo to familiarize themselves with the area, so she was confident in her ability to get there unhindered.
Thirty minutes passed in what felt like a blink of an eye, and she found herself standing in front of the U.A. gates before she could process the trip. Nymeria clenched the straps of her backpack, took a deep breath, and let it out as she entered the school grounds to start her first official day of school.

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