Fallout of Fear

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Nymeria wakes up in the hospital one week after the big fight with All for One. The doctors must have her on some pretty serious pain medication, because she feels all floaty, and normally her quirk burns through medicine and alcohol so fast it's not worth it to even consume any.

She stares at the ceiling for a few minutes before lifting her head up and scanning the room that she's in. The movement alerts her aunt, who is sitting beside her bed, that she's awake, and Ama is quick to nudge a sleeping Kenzo awake before standing to approach her.

"Hey honey. You're finally up." Nymeria gave a vague grunt in reply, grimacing as the noise irritates her dry throat. Kenzo had a glass of water with a straw in it in front of her face before she could try to ask for one.

After taking a few gulps, she takes stock of herself as her aunt adjusts the bed so she is sitting up. She couldn't feel it due to whatever they had her on, but her arm was clearly still broken and wrapped in a cast. She could see bruises in various stages of healing on her exposed arm, and her body felt unnaturally stiff, cluing her in that the bruising extended to the rest of her body.

"Hey space cadet, are you ready for a run down?"

She blinked at Kenzo's words, looking up at him as he gave a tired but genuine grin.

She cleared her throat and shifted in the bed. "Yah. Lay it on me."

Kenzo and her aunt both grimaced at her raspy voice, but Kenzo shook his head and began speaking.

"You've been out for a week. Honestly, we were expecting longer, but you've been getting fuel via an I.V. so it's not too surprising. Everyone is healed, aside from you and Toshinori. Cabe has Izuku down in the cafeteria getting a snack right now. Kid refuses to leave the hospital without you, and throws the biggest tantrums we've ever seen from him when we've tried."

Kenzo put a hand on her shoulder when she jolted at the mention of Izuku, squeezing firmly before continuing.

"He's fine Ny, I swear. He let Cabe know in detail what happened. I guess they took some blood, injected him with what we think was a serum of the doctor's that was made to force activate quirks. When that didn't work, All for One got mad and broke his arm. He's been through literally every test imaginable under close supervision of Nedzu, Chiyo, and Nighteye. He's clear. Still no quirk, no lasting damage. He's perfect, his arm was even healed five days ago by Chiyo."

Nymeria relaxed back into the bed and Kenzo released a sigh.

"Besides some bumps and bruises, Gran and I were fine. Both are healed now. The worst thing between us, was that I overused my quirk and was paralyzed for like two days.

You and Toshinori are another story though. Toshinori's injury would've either killed him, or been debilitating if you hadn't healed him. As it is, he lost one lung. His stomach was badly damaged, but since you got to it before he moved around, it wasn't completely shredded. It's a bit smaller now, but shouldn't be too bad.

Various healers have been having sessions with him every day to finish sealing and patching the wound. He'll have a gnarly scar after it's all done."

Kenzo glanced at Ama before looking back at Nymeria and sitting on the edge of her bed.

"You were pretty fucked up yourself. Your lungs and heart took the most damage when you overused your quirk. They had to rush you into an emergency surgery to reduce the internal bleeding before it further damaged more organs. On top of that, you had a nasty break to your arm that they reset and casted. You've got bruising everywhere from the fight and quirk overuse, and had quite a few deep lacerations they had to stitch closed. Your quirk is slowly starting to heal you, but the doctors determined that it's focusing on the internal damage, so it could be a while until the other stuff is healed."

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