Military Incursion 2

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Amidst the chaos of the military incursion, Female Rebel's relentless pursuit echoed through the jungle as she yelled for Defect and his companions to halt.

With Bobo's condition deteriorating and the threat of capture looming ever closer, Defect, Jard, and Bobo reunited, their breaths ragged as they sought refuge from the advancing military forces.

"Why are we hiding?" Jard questioned, his eyes darting between his companions.

Defect's gaze hardened as he shielded Bobo from view. "To protect Bobo, obviously. He's in no condition to do anything right now."

Bobo attempted to protest, but a sharp wince betrayed his true state of health.

In a swift move, Jard contacted Galf, their trusted ally, instructing him to open the portal for their escape.

As they prepared to enter, Defect lingered behind, casting a wary glance over his shoulder. His heart sank as he spotted Female Rebel closing in on their position.

Before he could react, she lunged forward, grappling with him as she demanded answers.

"What the heck are you doing? Where have you been?" she demanded, her voice laced with frustration and concern.

Defect struggled beneath her grip, his mind racing for a response. "I ran away," he admitted, finally managing to push her off.

With a final glance at Female Rebel's glaring form, Defect hurried through the portal, reuniting with his team on the other side.

But his relief was short-lived as Female Rebel emerged soon after, her gaze fixed on him with a silent promise of unfinished business.

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