Military Incursion 6

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The next day, as Female Rebel and Jard embarked on a mission, Defect remained behind with Bobo, keeping a watchful eye on his injured companion while Galf attended to his portal duties.

Despite his attempts to push aside his unease, a nagging sense of suspicion gnawed at Defect's mind. Unable to shake the feeling, he found himself drawn to Female Rebel's room, a sense of urgency propelling him forward.

Inside, he spotted her radar, a device that held the key to unlocking the secrets of their recent encounters. With trembling hands, he scrolled through the messages, his worst fears confirmed as he discovered a trove of communication between Female Rebel and other Rebels, detailing their activities and plans.

Anger bubbled up inside him, threatening to consume him whole, but he forced it down, knowing that confrontation could wait until later.

With a heavy heart, Defect descended the stairs, his expression carefully neutral as he resumed his duties, tending to Bobo's injuries with practiced skill.

Just as he finished replacing Bobo's bandages, the sound of footsteps echoed through the shop, signaling the return of Female Rebel and Jard.

Defect greeted them with a forced smile, hiding his turmoil beneath a facade of calm professionalism. "Welcome back," he said, his voice betraying nothing of the turmoil raging inside him.

As they settled back into their routine, Defect resolved to bide his time, knowing that the truth would eventually come to light. But for now, he had to focus on the task at hand and protect his team, even if it meant keeping his own emotions in check.

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