Military Incursion 5

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As Female Rebel inquired about the group's activities, Jard stepped forward, his tone matter-of-fact as he explained their unconventional line of work. "We specialize in retrieving artifacts that others want to steal, so Galf can sell them in his shop," he revealed, his words hanging in the air with a sense of calculated risk.

Defect couldn't help but feel a pang of uncertainty at Jard's openness, but he pushed aside his reservations for the time being, choosing to focus on their immediate situation.

Bobo's infectious excitement at having a new friend quickly faded as he winced in pain, a reminder of the dangers they faced and the toll it took on their bodies.

Defect immediately sprang into action, his concern evident as he urged Bobo to take it easy and prioritize his recovery. "You need to rest and stay hydrated," he advised, his voice gentle yet firm.

Bobo hesitated, but ultimately nodded in agreement, acknowledging the wisdom in Defect's words.

A smirk tugged at Female Rebel's lips as she observed the exchange. "Still playing doctor, eh?" she teased, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Defect rolled his eyes, a faint flush creeping into his cheeks. "Just looking out for my team," he replied, his tone tinged with exasperation.

With a decisive nod, Defect announced his intention to clean up, urging the others to do the same. "We've got work to do," he reminded them, his voice firm as he ushered them towards the washroom.

As they dispersed to tend to their wounds and prepare for the tasks ahead, Defect couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air, knowing that their newfound alliance with Female Rebel had the potential to either strengthen or jeopardize their mission. But for now, all they could do was focus on the present and prepare for whatever challenges lay ahead.

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