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everything has been going well since our engagement Fantasia and I were both happy and her kids were fully committed to us. They loved hanging out with me as I did with them. They would come to my house more often than their mother so much, that I ended up giving them a key to my house. They called my son big brother and he had cute names for them. It made me so happy.

And on top of everything being so unbelievably great, Ken and I were cool, like real cool, we would eat at the same table and crack some jokes like long-lost cousins. He was dating again and it was amazing. Yes was, until last night when he mentioned on our dinner table who he was actually seeing. Fantasia's mood changes since. Apparently, he was seeing his ex-girlfriend. The girl he had dated long before Fantasia, he didn't have to say a name cause Fantasia knew whoever it was. She looked troubled and very unhappy about it, I tried getting her to talk about it. She wouldn't. She looked jealous as fuck.

Well, tonight we are having dinner with this girl. Whoever she is.

I finished getting ready.
Then got in my car. My driver took me to their currently shared house (until the divorce is finalized)

I took a deep breath before ringing the bell because something in my gut told me that the night wasn't gonna go well at all. I had goosebumps for eternity. I was nervous because I had no idea what to expect, my woman was already looking and acting jealous, it bothered me and made me wonder if she regretted her decision to leave him for me.

I rang the bell for the third time.
Ken finally opened the door. He was shirtless.
I stared at him with the "Really?" look.
"Oh, I am sorry Taraji I was getting ready. My bad," He said jogging upstairs. How is this man so thoughtful and humanly unlike the men I met in my life? I mean now I see why Fantasia stuck with him all these years, he is worth stuck with.

I got inside and made myself at home, I practically lived there half the time, so I knew the house more than I'm supposed to, more than would like to, really.

I went to the kitchen where the housekeeper was cleaning up. "Hey, Marry. Smells delicious. You cooked?" I asked. Taking a stroll around the big kitchen. I wanted a good bottle of wine.

"Hey Cook, no. Your girl cooked. I'm just cleaning up as she gets ready."

She called me Cookie because she was a big Empire fan and a huge Cookie fan. I just let her, is not like she's the only one.

"smell really good. We are in for a treat tonight" I said. "it tastes good too, trust me you are. You look good tonight, as always of course. Simple but good"

She said. I smiled. "Thank you, sis," I responded.
"I rang the bell like, three times, didn't anyone hear me?" I asked finding my bottle.

"I was just taking the trash out by the back. I'm sorry I didn't hear you, Cook,"
I nodded.
"You are gonna be okay tonight right?" she asked, looking really concerned, it made me more nervous than I already was. "Uh, sis...why would I not?" I asked
"Cause... Ken's ex is coming," she said.
"And that should bother me because?"

She looked at me like I was clueless and clearly I was. "spill, please, why should I worry? FYI, I'm already worried and you are not helping"
"You don't know who his ex is do you?" she asked.

"Should I?"
"Saved by the bell, I will get that. Stay cool" She said. I stood up immediately.

She went to get the door. I was standing in the middle of the room waiting there like a kid on Christmas Eve, waiting for Santa Claus's presents but with a little worry plastered in my heart.
It was Fantasia's driver bringing the keys. I rolled my eyes turning away, my eyes fell on my girl coming down the stairs.
She smiled, "you here" she said.
"you look amazing, as always"
"you too honey!" she said getting down.

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