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I must have had  12 cupcakes, a full bottle of champagne, and three glasses of red wine. Last night, I puked my insides out. Spent the entire morning puking.

I needed to talk to a friend so bad. I called Jennifer and asked her to go out with me.
She confirmed we would meet for dinner at my favorite restaurant. My wife was starting the shoot of the cookie spin-off series, she left home early, and we hardly said a word to each other. It hurt me but not more than how she keeps hurting my feelings lately. The only time she and I were sharing something equally beautiful that we both enjoyed was during sex, which made us both stoked, high, and hot. It took us to another dimension and I was starting to think that our relationship was physical (see what I did there😂). Maybe that is all it was... Sexual relationship and nothing more.

That evening I prepared for my dinner with Jenny. My driver took me to my favorite spot where I waited at least 2 minutes before Jennifer arrived, she hugged me and kissed me on my cheek before settling down in her seat.

"Hey hon', thank you so much for coming, I could use this..."

"You sounded sad on the phone, I had you pull up for you, what's going on sweetie?"
Jen asked.

"Off the book info, I'm bisexual" I began. She smirked. "right... Show me a lady who isn't or who isn't bicurious, ain't we all!?"

"No Jenny, I'm a lesbian woman, I married a woman" I clarified. She sipped her drink and looked at me speechless. "say something"
I said. "I was still digesting it. Are you happy? Cause that's all that matters, we can't put labels on happiness"

"I thought I was but now I'm not sure. She had a complicated bond with her guy friend, and I worry about that. But she seems to have dealt with it... Last night I begged her to come out to the world with me... You should have seen the look on her face, she said she couldn't, she said not yet, but I can't help to think it is never gonna happen ever. And I would always be her secret wife or just her friend to the public, you know how sad that is? That I can't kiss my own wife in public?"

"So both you and this woman you married are public figures... Who is this lucky girl?" Jennifer asked.

"hold up! What? Dude, you married Taraji? I thought y'all said it was a drunken thing... Oh my gosh! You love her?"

"So much."

"Wow. When you do come out, can you please do it on my show, please, please please!"

"I would say yes, but I can't promise you anything, cause what if we are never coming out? Or what if this is us hitting a wall?"

"You will. She just needs time, that's all. And you? Are you sure you are ready for this? This is not Niecy Nash coming out, this is American Idol and Cookie Lyon coming out, two women who made it on the Most Influential People billboard. Y'all are individually very influential. It's gonna make waves. Have you thought about this? Maybe Taraji has"
"I have, as well. I was married for 15 years okay, I'm not wasting another minute, I want to enjoy this marriage in private as well in public."

"Have you told your wife that?"
"not in too many words"

"What words did you use Tasia?"

"That I was ready"

"Tell her in detail okay?"

I sighed.
"I promise it's gonna be okay, no marriage is easy," Jennifer said.

After dinner, I needed to get liquor. I drove to a liquor store and went inside. I was picking my favorite wine when I accidentally touched a female hand, there was something like electricity that caused my body to shiver, I turned rapidly to the woman, and I gasped... it was Kyla.
She smiled beautifully at me...

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