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After I ran from Room 307. I locked myself in the bathroom. Hyperventilating because the lady made me scared for my life. She talked to me like she knew me like I had to know her, and I didn't know who she was. Hell, I don't even remember who I am...

I looked at my Tattoo which she seemed smitten by, she must know me. She must have known me before I became me. I rubbed on my tattoo.
"Taraji!" who is this Taraji?

I looked at the tip she gave me. It was a big tip, so she must be loaded. She was pretty too.
"Penda!" my supervisor called me. I fixed my apron and cap and headed to the big kitchen.

"The guest in room 307, asked for wine and two glasses. Please take it there" he said. I couldn't afford to go back there. What if I'm a criminal who's wanted by the cops, and she's working undercover?
"Sir, with all due respect, please send someone else up there"

"why? You don't like your job?"
"I do sir, is just that I am a person of interest, and going up there would be going against all my work ethics, sir"
"This is a workplace. You are here to work, not to do, what's that clown in a dress? A Madea's family reunion, if you don't know how to be professional, you can't work here. You fired!" He barked.
"Sir please, I will do it. Please don't fire me, I need this job. I need it please"
"You didn't have to sass me if you needed the job.  Pack Your stuff and get out,"  he added and handed the Wine to my other colleague, Bria.

I felt my walls clashing in every corner. This job was my home, I was overlooking and taking too many nightshifts because I didn't have a place to stay. Now I don't have a home. No place to lay my head. All I had left was my waitressing job on the beach island and a rock where I hid my stuff under.
"Penda I'm Sorry. I will talk to him. Let him cool his balls" Bria said, she was the only friend I had, she was my hero, she and my girlfriend were the ones who found me and got me my job. My girlfriend had an ex situation she wasn't gonna take me in.
"Do you have a place to stay tonight? You could stay at my place with my two roomies"
"they are rude as hell and they don't like me. Is okay? I still have my rock. I will sleep under it tonight and figure things out tomorrow" I said and walked away.


I heard a knock on my door and jumped, hurrying to the door. I opened. It was a different girl. I was so disappointed. "Oh hi, I expected a different girl, you know, the one who was here before," I said. "But don't worry, just put it on my counter," I said closing the door.
"I'm sorry for the disappointment ma'am, the other girl, Penda, was just fired. She is my friend and I can't help her. I stay in a crowded space with two roommates and they hate visitors and now Penda doesn't have a place to stay. She stays under a rock" The girl said voice breaking, my heart shuttered. I felt my tears running down.
"Under what?"
"I'm sorry to just bombard you with my sad life story, you probably think I just need you to tip me more, and I will stop talking. Should I pour this or?"
"yeah. One glass. Does your friend Penda have a working cell? Can you text her to come sleep here tonight, I mean it is cold outside and I checked the weather it might be raining a little later," I said.
"She doesn't. Well, she does have a phone but she doesn't remember how to unlock it, she doesn't remember anything. I think she lost her lifetime memory. We found her unconscious by the sea. And she doesn't remember how she got there. All she remembered was her name, Penda, and someone named Asia or Tess"
"Yes, man... Exactly how she says it. Is it a common name in the States?"
I smiled. "Not really."
"Oh. I better get going before monster supervisor fires me too" She said
"I'm worried about Penda, how can I find her?"

"she's probably at the Rock crying her eyes out. I'm sorry I can't help you find her, I'm on duty and my boss is an ass"
"No, I understand. Wait, lemme tip you"
I pulled 500 US dollars and handed it to her. She gasped. "Thank you"
"no, Thank you, for looking out for Penda. She's lucky to have a good friend like you"
She nodded and walked out.
Now I really wanted to scream. I put on some clothes and flat shoes and went out. I didn't know where I was going. But the last time I let her go, I lost her, so I can't let that mistake happen again.

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