Chapter 17: Confidential

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Surely there must've been going on here on this computer and I'm going to find it. If you don't mind, I may want to steal all of your secret information since my drive has been plugged in and hopefully, there's no ransomware in here...or else I'll be screwed out of shame just because of a freaking computer. 

Ji-Yoon: Jin Jin? What's wrong hmm?

Jin:  *knuckle cracking* Alright, let's see what you've been hiding in this computer

Akali: What are you hoping to find there, Jin?

Seraphine: I-is it another government level of secrecy again just like that night?

Jin: I honestly don't know and that's why I'd like to find out...

His curiosity increased and since he was already activating the computer in the first place, Jin started fiddling with it by searching and typing folder after folder using both keyboard and mouse in front of him to find out more. While he's searching, the K/DA is oddly amazed by the way Jin typing the keyboard because it's so unusual yet fast at the same time. Upon reaching the deepest folder, Jin discovered both folders named "Test_Subject" and "Hydrogen", then he proceeded to click the "Test_Subject" folder first. In there, He found one video, one mp3 file, and a notepad named "1nfant_0.txt".  

Test subject? is this another case of guinea pigs that I'm not aware of from the start? is there any connection with the corpse over there? and also...Hydrogen? Are they referring to chemical thingy or...Hydrogen bomb?

Kai'sa: Jin? We know you're in a very serious mood we have to see this footage just like last time?

Ahri: *gulp* I don't think this is a part of the mission, Jin. 

Jin: *sigh* Look um...all of you can wait outside if you want or go ahead if you wanna look around the lab. I know this is not part of the mission but for this, I think I'm good doing this myself because I need more information to give this to Dir. Siregar Just like I always do.

Evelynn: How important is this information, Jin darling?

Jin: I take it 50/50, Eve, 50% Important and 50% Unimportant. Still, Every piece of information that I've got, even if it is unnecessary or just simply small, I always take it since I'm aware Dir. Siregar will need that. 

Seraphine: But Jin, what if the data that you received was actually full of viruses? I-it could damage your drive, isn't it?

Jin: Depends on the file format, Sera. ".Exe" is usually the one I should be very careful of since they're the ones who immediately bring malicious code and viruses into the core of the software. 

Ahri: But something like videos and photos are not, Jin?

Jin:  Sadly they too can contain viruses, Ahri.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 18 ⏰

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