You're Not Sorry. (Angst [FluffyBird?])

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(Bro I couldn't decide between a smutty fic (AN ACTUAL ONE FOR ONCE) or an angsty one, but let's ruin valentines for y'all :3)

"Harry.. Look love I'm sorry.."

Those hazel green eyes looked up into his dark brown ones. He used to be able to fall for those god-forsaken puppy eyes so easily, but now that's not the case. They don't do a damn thing in a situation like this anymore. If anything, they make it worse, makes him look like he's begging to be forgiven when this action cannot be forgiven time and time again.

"No, stop with all the 'love' and 'Harry'. It's not gonna fix shit anymore."

Not that it ever fixed it anyway. They never made him feel any better, they made him feel like shit when he was mad. It made him feel like he was screaming at a child for making a small mess. 

"I'm too sober for this shit. If you're gonna keep trying to apologize to me, then leave me the fuck alone. I couldn't give two shits 'bout that meaningless apology."

"Harrison I am sorry though! Why don't you believe me?!"

Tears were forming in those eyes. Great. Now he was the bad guy. He was making him feel like shit. He always did this, making himself cry when he knew he wasn't going to get away with it. Robin never cried to begin with, especially during arguments. He only ever cried when he felt like he was losing control over him. Why would he even be crying to begin with? It's his fault that he forgot, again. He remembered any other event, except for the ones involving him, right? Because that's totally how you show love and appreciation to someone.

"I really am sorry this time... Time got away with me, you understand right?"

"Didn't I just say to leave me the fuck alone.

Harrison finally snapped. That was it. He turned his body to face away from this man, looking down towards his feet this time instead of the eyes of an arrogant and careless person. He started to lift his arms to hide his face as he sighed aggressively, muttering curses under his raspy breath. When finally ready to walk away, he tried to move quickly into another room before his arm was grabbed. Jesus Christ, what's he gonna bitch about now, he growled to himself. Robin, instead of saying anything, just tried to make the taller male face him. Which quite obviously didn't work, so he got in front of him instead. He now furrowed his brows up towards the redhead, trying to seem intimidating but instead, he looked pathetic.

"Harrison. Don't you understand that I'm trying to fix this. You are not leaving until we talk this through." 

"Oh bullshit Robin, you don't wanna talk about shit!! You just want to convince me to forgive you for the MILLIONTH TIME."

The man jerked his arm out of the grip of the other, fuming with anger. He ignored the words that came from his 'lover'. He just turned another way and went somewhere he could lock himself away.  He walked as quickly as he could to his room. Harry needed to get away before he did something he would regret horribly. Well, not really but would be shamed for. But of course, Robin was following closely behind, the words getting louder but he drowned them out with ease. 
Finally reaching his room, he slammed the door shut, locking it immediately. He let out a deep sigh as the loud yelling coming from the other side slowly came to a stop. Now that shit show was over, he could relax and try to figure out what he was going to do. He could just kick Robin out, correct? But that would be quite selfish and if he were being honest, he still had feelings toward this arsehole. That is something he didn't want to think about at the moment, so he turned his back to the door and went up to his desk. On it laid a note sealed with red wax, along with a bouquet that consisted of a few of his 'lovers' favorite flowers. They didn't mean a thing now as expected.

He stared down at the envelope. Inside was a detailed letter about how much he loved the other, talking about what he wanted for the future. He wasn't even the type of guy to write or do these lovey-dovey things, but they were what Robin enjoyed so he still did it anyway because that's how much he cared. Again, that didn't mean anything now, since he knew the other man didn't even care about him, or at least care enough to remember. Why would he even try to remember Valentine's Day right? Not like everyone is celebrating this holiday and merchandise is everywhere. None of these future ideas meant anything anymore, not a damn thing seeing how this day has been spent so far. He knew he would give in eventually, even if he still felt hurt. He'd give in because Robin would go out and buy something to make up for it like he's always done. 

These types of things were something Harrison believed Robin cared a lot for, mainly when they first got together. After the first year, it started to slowly happen. Robin would start to forget their anniversary until the last minute and would then put together a shitty date or gift. Or when he would forget completely about Valentine's Day, or when he would make backhanded comments about what he was given. Looking back on all these incidents made him start to realize how shitty he's been this entire relationship. He would complain about not getting enough attention that day when Harrison was clearly busy. Or when Robin would ignore him for hours and hold a grudge over a simple mistake. 
Sighing to himself once more, he walked over to his bed. He flopped backward onto the plain dark grey comforter and sank into the soft feeling that was all around him. It felt like a giant hug and was what he needed at that moment. 

After what had felt like centuries of laying on his blankets in quiet, a knock was placed on his door, it was soft but easily noticeable.


The voice was soft and gentle, instead of the harsh and loud one that was previously used. Robin spoke in short sentences, waiting long periods before speaking again.

"I know you are probably not over what happened..." He paused before continuing, "But I wanted to tell you that I have fixed us some of your favorite meals..."

Here comes the bribery. To be fair, his 'lovers' cooking was quite enjoyable but he wasn't gonna allow himself to be bribed and bought with last-minute thoughts.

"I'm not coming out. You can give up on trying to get me to accept that weak and bullshit apology."

"Harry I-"

"You are not to call me that, I've already told you, Robin."

At this point, Harrison was sat up, facing the door. He spoke loudly and with venom in his voice to get his point across. Robin really was playing with a live grenade like it was nothing, wasn't he. That didn't matter, it'd be his fault the second it exploded. 

"Just hear me out Harry I'm sor-"

Harrison walked over to the door, unlocking it quickly and opening it widely. His face was dead-looking, he had no expression except for his brows being slightly furrowed downwards, showing the anger he felt. He didn't need to say a word to get his point across. Robin looked up at him, making a face of disappointment and anger before he turned his back to Harrison and walked away while he held a middle finger up to him. 

Yup, there's no way I can forgive him, Harrison thought. He knew damn well he was going to break up with him later. It was expected, and Robin should've seen this coming from a damn mile. Oh well. 

He knew Robin would never be sorry.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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